Chapters 105-106 Playing in the Sand Box / Tomb Lost in Time *

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Chapter 105

The next morning Isisa woke up and noticed that Seto was still asleep, letting him sleep Isisa kissed his forehead and crawled out of bed. She put on her robe and grabbed the air horn, and walked out of the tent. Just as she was coming out of her tent, she saw Sheryl who was six months pregnant walking towards her.

"Ready to wake up some newbies" asked Sheryl

"Ready when you are, I don't think my husband will wake up" stated Isisa as they walked to where the new employees were set up

"Why is that?" asked Sheryl

"He is sleeping like a rock and I mean like a rock," laughed Isisa

"Oh wow," replied Sheryl

The two walked in the darkness, they didn't need flash lights because they knew their way. When they were by the tents Isisa put earplugs in her ears, raised her arm and pressed down on the button. Almost instantly everyone was up, Isisa pressed the button a few more times and then stopped. There was a lot of groaning as everyone slowly came out of their tents. Isisa and Sheryl walked back to their tents to change. When Isisa got back to hers, she noticed that Seto was still asleep. She smiled and then started to change. She walked out of her tent and headed for the breakfast tent. There she caught up with Pegasus who was already wide-awake.

"I see you are awake" smiled Isisa as she hugged her stepfather

"Isisa how are you," he asked

"I see that you brought someone with you" stated Isisa as she sat down on a chair

"I hope you are not mad, but I thought that he could use a change of scenery" smiled Pegasus

"I bet," laughed Isisa

Philip sat down across from Isisa, and dug into his breakfast without a word.

"What's wrong Philip?" asked Isisa

"He was back," grumbled Philip

"Who was back?" asked Pegasus

"Oh, Tall Dark and Handsome" laughed Isisa

"NO! It was that freaking Phantom again," replied Philip as he stabbed his eggs

"Oh! You mean the Flower Phantom; you have an admirer" praised Pegasus

"Listen just because you are my boss, that doesn't give you the permission to do that" snarled Philip

"What is the matter, it is just flowers" replied Isisa

"Flowers, there is something fishy going on, but this has been going on for 19 fucking years. There is something going on and I don't think Lotus flowers just grow in the middle of the desert' cringed Philip

"We are about only 3 km away from the Nile," pointed Isisa out

"But still there is no reason for those flowers to be there. They are cut perfectly, see" showed Philip as he threw the Lotus flowers on to the table

The new Egyptologists listened to the argument, somewhere starting to worry for the older staff had told them about a mysterious figure that showed up. Sometimes there would be a glowing ball and sometimes it wasn't there, but some of the men say that it is a ghost for there are no footprints to be seen. While others think that it must be human since one of the men saw it walk right out of the Bathroom Tent and had addressed him with a greeting, but some of the women call him Tall Dark and Handsome or TDH for short. This was starting to creep some of the new people out, for Lord of D keep complaining about the Lotus flowers that showed up on the outskirts of the dig. No one knows why, but some think that there is a tomb nearby, but no one knows for sure.

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