Chapters 79-80 A New Evil / Mistress Dragons Returns *

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Chapter 79

Three Weeks Later:

Somewhere at sea, a research ship radios it submersible craft, Poseidon 3,

"You are approaching a depth of 35,000 feet, stop your decent," radioed the Captain of the Dragon Princess

"No, I may be on the verge of the greatest discovery mankind has ever known" claimed Professor Hawkins as he steered the craft between the columns of what appeared to be a sunken city

The craft then surfaces in an area where air has been apparently trapped under a cavern. Curiously, the Professor emerges from his submersible to take a look around. From what he sees shocks him, he takes his portable radio and camera and goes out.

"Isisa you would have wanted to be here" said the Professor into the radio

"Really and why is that" came Isisa's voice over the radio

'There are statues of duel monsters, and carvings too"

"Take some pictures and I'll see if there is any translating that I can do," she said

"Too, bad you are sea sick that you can't handle the pressure of being down here" teased the Professor

"Professor, there is nothing that I would love more then to be down there with you, instead of babysitting two twelve-year olds that are always at each other's' throats" explained Isisa

"Well, I hope you will enjoy the pictures I send you," exclaimed the Professor as he signed off and started to snap pictures.

It puzzled him that there was duel monster statues and carvings down here, [But how is that possible, unless...] thought the Professor as he continued to make pictures.

Back in Domino, a newscaster announces that,

'Renowned scientist, Arthur Hawkins and his team have uncovered evidence of a ten-thousand-year-old lost civilization, in the North Atlantic Ocean. Reports say that there was possible of Egyptian Hieroglyphics, so Egyptology expert, Isisa Kaiba was asked to join the team. No word from Dr. Kaiba on what the carvings say. In other news, Kaiba Corp is about to announce their latest project in a few days. Our Business spokesperson, Miranda Phillips says that whatever the project it surely make KC stocks skyrocket."

Meanwhile at the Domino High, Tea looks on the roof looking over the city, [I wonder where Yugi is. It is not like him to skip class, boy I hope everything is alright] thought Téa as Tristan and Joey join her,

"Have you seen Yugi?" asked Joey

"I seen him right before algebra, it is not like he would skip" she said

"Yea, she's got a pint on that" pointed out Tristan

"Man, I hope everything is okay" said Joey looking out over the city

On the sidewalk, the Pharaoh is about is cross the street, with Yugi's book bag across his shoulder. Yugi then appeared in spirit form,

"What's going on, we never skip between classes like this," asked Yugi

"Did you bring the Egyptian Gods?" asked the Pharaoh not answering Yugi's question

"Yes, I did," replied Yugi

"I finally figured out what I am supposed to do with them," he said

"It's like the cards have been calling out to me, leading me to the museum and my lost memories" he finished

Just as he reached the steps of the museum, Joey, Tea, and Tristan catch up with him.

"We have been looking for you everywhere. Why did you split like that?" asked Joey

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