Chapters 95-96 'He Almost Failed The Test' / Stress and the fight with the Exs *

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Chapter 95

RECAPP: "Now don't let her sweet nature fool you, for in truth this woman is a dragon in disguise," explained Roland as Mistress Dragons walked on to the stage; she took out some sparkling dust out of her purse and blew it out on to the audience. The sparkling dust turned into many different dragons, Blue Eyes, Red Eyes, Harpies Pet Dragon all of them. The crowd went wild as the dragons flew around and then turned back into dust.

Even Roland was speechless...

When Roland recovered, he said,

"Well that was entertaining, but now back to business. Now our Finalist, The International Champion of the World, The King of Games, YUGI MOTO" shouted Roland as the Pharaoh walked in between Mistress Dragons and Balfry Ginger.

As Roland explained the rules, the Pharaoh looked at all his challengers. He was mentally saying, Colt, stud, stud, defiantly a gelding, filly, filly, don't know mare or filly.

"Why are you doing that?" asked Yugi beside him in spirit form

"Because I just do it, besides there is something fishy about Mistress Dragons. I don't know whether she is a filly or a mare. She is looking a little round, not much but a little"

"Will you stop it" said Yugi

"I am trying to have a normal life"

"You'll never have a normal life when I'm around here" smiled the Pharaoh

"But there is something rather odd about Mistress Dragons, I mean she isn't even looking at me directly in the eye like everyone else is doing" responded the Pharaoh

"Yea I have noticed that too, everyone else is sizing you up, but she is acting like she doesn't care whether she duels you or not. I wonder why that is," replied Yugi

"You know what I am more concerned about is whether she is a Filly or a Mare," said the Pharaoh

Just then, Mistress Dragons looked at the Pharaoh and winked. The Pharaoh moved slightly away,

"Yugi, Yugi...she winked at us," whispered the Pharaoh

"I know I saw that to"

"She is a very and I mean very frisky Filly more frisker then that Vivian Filly" whispered the Pharaoh back

When Roland had wished the duelists' good luck, and the reporters had taken their last pictures, the duelists walked down off the stage and back on to the floor where the musicians started to play some soft flowing music.

Seto walked up to Mistress of Dragons and took her hand against.

"Care to join me in a dance" he offered

"I think that would be great" she replied as a soft waltz started up

The Pharaoh looked over to where Seto was dancing with Mistress Dragons, he overheard their conversation,

"You dance pretty well for a duelist"

"Why thank you, me and my twin sister love to dance," replied Mistress Dragons

The Pharaoh cringed at the word, twins. He could not but help keep on listening to their conversation, but by the end of it the word Twin had been mention several times and his was trying to restrain himself from strangling Mistress Dragons, but when he saw the two leave the ballroom and walk into the elevator together he cringed even more.

"What's wrong" asked Yugi

"Kaiba is what's wrong," hissed the Pharaoh

Yugi winched,

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