Chapters 35-36 'Little Brother To The Rescue' Or Is It? / Into the Dragons Den *

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Chapter 35

Rewind a few hours before

Seto walked out of the theater, he hated having to do this to Isisa. Ever since Pegasus and the Big Five did the damage to Kaiba Corp. has been on a roller coaster on the stock markets. He ran his fingers through his hair as the hotel limo arrived. He needed some way to make this up to Isisa, he dug his phone out and called the hotel.

"Hello, Concierge Desk" replied a voice from the other line,

"This is Seto Kaiba from the Presidential Suite; I need some things done before I arrive at the hotel" said Seto

"Of course. Mr. Kaiba, what can I do for you?" said André the Concierge

"I need a bottle of 98 Champagne on ice for two, some strawberries also sent up to the room, and have the lights dimmed Breakfast for two in the morning about 6:30 should be good" explained Seto

"Will that be all?" inquired the Concierge

"No, I will need my 5:30 am wake up call, and discretion"

"Mr. Kaiba, discretion is my middle name. Will the lady in question be joining you this evening?" finished the Concierge

"Yes, and another thing. I will need a box of ..."

Present Time

Isisa got out of the cab and walked into the hotel lobby. As the doors closed behind her, the front desk manager looked up and called her over.

"Mademoiselle Pegasus, there is a message for you"

Isisa walked over, took the message and read it. She smiled; it was from Seto, he wanted her to come up to his room.

"Is there anything wrong" asked the manager

"No, not at all. However, I will be having my breakfast with Seto Kaiba in the morning"

"Ah, I see. He has already made arrangements, Miss. Pegasus," replied the manager

"Oh, I see. Well I also then need to have the staff informed that for the remainder of my stay that they are to address me as Miss. Neffar. Understood" asked Isisa

"Qui, Mademoiselle. It will be done" replied the manager

Isisa turned away from the desk and as she did, she saw Yugi and the gang, who had just gotten back from the Louvre.

"Man am I tried," said Joey trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes

"You are telling me...hey look who it is," pointed out Tristan

"How are you Isisa?" asked Yugi as he approached Isisa

"I am fine, thank you all. How are you all enjoying Paris?" asked Isisa

"It was AWESOME! We went to the Louvre and saw the Mona Lisa, Monet, Picasso," said Tea with excitement sure evident on her face and through her voice

"Well, it was okay," yawned Joey

"I just want to go to bed" finished Joey

"I bet you do," said Isisa while heading to the elevator with the gang.

As the elevator doors dinged open, Seto stepped out and approached the concierge desk, not noticing the gang or Isisa.

Yugi saw Isisa's eyes breaking contact with the gang and followed to where her gaze was not. And he had been right earlier when he thought he had seen Kaiba. For there, he was now standing and looking over to where the gang was talking to Isisa. He had walked to the concierge desk and talked to the man there. They seemed to nod in agreement of something and then Seto walked towards the group.

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