Chapters 101-102 Red Eyes Vs. Blue Eyes / Pillow Talk *

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Chapter 101

As everyone let the shock sink in, Isisa just looked at the group and a smile spread across her face,

"What is everyone surprised" she asked

No one answered,

"Okay now you are starting to scare me, Joey say something' stated Isisa

"I-I-I don't know what to say," stuttered Joey

"Well at least that is something," laughed Isisa

"Congrats Isisa," stated Tea

"Thanks, just found out today too" smiled Isisa

"So, Joey are we going to duel," teased Isisa


"Joey you can't back out" stated Isisa looking at Joey

"I guess so," said Joey not sure of himself

Isisa drew a card then said,

"I place Dragon Princess in attack mode, and then I place two cards facedown. That ends my turn"

Joey looked at his cards, [Man now I am really regretting my words] thought Joey

"I place two cards facedown, and one card in defense" said Joey as he ended his turn

"Come on Joey give me something I can use," replied Isisa

"Well, you get what you get" said Joey back

Isisa glared at Joey,

"Okay, if your going to act that way then let's see what you got" said Isisa

"Dragon Princess attack Joey's facedown card" ordered Isisa

Dragon Princess attacked Joey's facedown card, which was Alligator's Swordsmen. As the card was destroyed, the Pharaoh started to recover from shock Isisa had given him.

"But that doesn't make any sense" said the Pharaoh to himself

"What do you mean?" asked Yugi

"Joey must have had two traps or at least one, and he let Isisa get away with it," pointed the Pharaoh out

"I see," said Yugi quietly

"Is that all you got Joey," taunted Isisa

"There is more," replied Joey

"Okay then, try this one for size, Solomon's wishes. I am sure you know what this card means" assured Isisa

"Yea I know what it does," replied Joey

'Okay then, well I also bring forth Dragon Queen, and place one more card facedown" replied Isisa as she finished her turn

"Now you are going to wish you never had challenged me," stated Joey was be placed Leogun on the field

"Now my Lion is going get ride of your royals" smiled Joey

"Is that so, well then teach me not to play with royals then" laughed Isisa

"Those words are going to come back and bite you in the butt Isisa. Now Leogun attack Dragon Princess," shouted Joey as Leogun began his attack.

A bright light filled the dark Tunnel of Death. When it cleared, Dragon Princess remained on the field, Joey looked shocked.

"What the hell happened?" said Joey wide eyed

"Oh, nothing much, just a trap called Negate Attack" smiled Isisa

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