Chapters 19-20 Running & Giving Birth / When Push Comes to Shove *

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Chapter 19

Horse POV:

Blue Eyes and Magician Girl ran out of the harbor with full force, they didn't notice that their assailants didn't bother to run after them. This worried both mares; they weren't sure where to run for this was a different city all together.

They stayed close to alley ways and the outskirts of the large city, people would notice if horses were on the loose because the only 'horse' that they know of is a car or truck. So, it would be somewhat interesting to see a real horse in person then on the TV or at the zoo.

Magician Girl led the way. They arrived at a wooded area that ran into a small park, which ran into a small residential area. Magician Girl knew from the largeness of the residential buildings that there must be a forest or some type of large secluded space close by. She glanced over her right shoulder and saw Blue Eyes wide-eyed over all the vibrant colors that were surrounding her, and then she let out a cheerful whinny and trotted up to Magician Girl.

They both continued until they came to a high 8-foot wall, Magician Girl shuddered. This reminded her too much of the 'Time Out Pen' back home, but either way they would be safe within its walls. They walked for another half mile until they came to wooden fences. Even though both horses were heavily pregnant, they jumped the small fence. They started to walk until; Blue Eyes whinnied to Magician Girl,

'I can smell horses'

'I agree. Let's find out who they are and what kinds' snorted MG

'Magician Girl...'

'Yes, Blue Eyes'

'I can't go on foal is coming' whinnied BE as she lay down

Blue Eyes should have not jumped for it had only made the labor worse. Usually she would be in the stall by now away from prying eyes, but hell they were 'Hours knows only' and the foal wanted out.

Magician Girl realized even though Blue Eyes was a pain in the ass she was still one of the lead horses, and she had to respect that. She looked around and saw three horses in the distance, one smelled like a stallion [He would like protect Blue Eyes even though she hates having stallions around when she is giving birth] thought MG.

She ran up to the three horses that were lazily grazing, the older mare was the first to see MG coming. She nickered to her son who was playing fighting with the stallion over who gets the dandelion. Both stopped at what they were doing and looked.

When Spartan saw the lone mare coming towards him and his 'clan', he went on the defensive mode [Nobody gets to come in here thinking they can just waltz in here] thought Spartan

He charged towards the mare; the mare however stood her ground. It wasn't until he was only mere meters away until he got the sense of pregnancy. He attempted to stop, but to no anvil. If she didn't move, she was going to get run over. When the distance started to close the mare sided stepped and Spartan was lunged forward as he made a face plant in the dirt. He looked up and glared at the mare, she returned her look with a 'Come get me' look. She batted her eyelashes and Spartan's anger vanished. He got up and shook himself clean; he then walked towards the mare.

Just then, a pricing scream stopped Spartan in his tracks; he looked in the direction of the scream, and could barely make out another figure. [It is a horse alright] thought Spartan. One look from Spartan brought the other two over, they greeted Magician Girl with great joy. Magician Girl explained that Blue Eyes was in labor, and Spartan agreed to watch over. They cantered to where Blue Eyes was crying in pain...

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