Chapters 9-10 Bulls and Stallions Part 1 and Part 2 *

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Chapter 9

Seto Kaiba was awake and looking at Isisa, she looked peaceful. Her hair was in a slight mess around her, for it had escaped her hair clip. Seto wondered why his stepfather had chosen her to be his wife. She could be a spitfire when she wanted to be, but she could also be as vulnerable as a child. He bent his head and stole a kiss from her, to his surprise she responded. His eyes opened and saw her sparkling blue eyes staring back.

"Go back to sleep" he murmured against her forehead

"Alright" she replied quietly

"Seth...What time is it," she asked

"About 5:45 am" he replied

"I see" Isisa said as she snuggled closer to Seth (Seto) and closed her eyes.

The Pharaoh couldn't believe what he was seeing, TDH was no other then Seto Kaiba, and why in Ra's good name did Filly call him Seth? Now one more question had to be answered. That was weather or not Filly is still a filly or was she now a broodmare? He could not tell, but from by the way Kaiba was holding her it was hard to tell weather he cared for Isisa or not. He was trying to get her just to annoy Joey that was for sure, but by the way, Kaiba was holding her made the Pharaoh doubted that was the situation. Just as he was going to leave the Pharaoh heard a sound coming from the other side of the door, then the door opened and saw the elderly janitor women. She was surprised when she saw two people sleeping in her janitor's room.

Seto had to put his hand in front of his eyes; he then put his hand down for his eyes adjusted to the light.

"Now what are two doing in here?" inquired the janitor

"We got locked in here. Isisa here spilled something on the floor and came in here to find something to clean it up with," said Seto

"I see, well I guess I can't say you did it on purpose...Now you go home and I will leave a message Mr. Kaiba that you are not required to come to school. You might want to go and catch up on sleep. I mean you maybe want to sleep somewhere more comfortable them here. I'll call Lord of Dragons to come and pick up Miss. Neffar," continued the janitor.

"No...I will bring Miss. Neffar...she is staying with the Moto's, right?" said Seto

"Yes, she is...Alright, but neither you or her should be driving okay. I suggest that you phone for your limo Mr. Kaiba," said the lady sweetly


Seto slowly picked up Isisa bridal style and grabbed her purse. As he left with Isisa in his arms, the elderly women just looked at the two people. [My don't they make as sweet couple] she thought to herself

He waited for the limo and when it did arrive. Roland held the door open for Seto as he placed Isisa in the limo.

[She looks so peaceful when she sleeps] thought Seto

"Mr. Kaiba where to?" asked Roland

"Drive by the Moto residence will you," snapped Seto

He hated when people interrupted his thoughts. It was 6:30 when the limo pulled up to the Moto house; Mrs. Moto was about to leave for work when the limo pulled up. She knew that her son was enemies with Seto Kaiba and so was her father in law, but what could Seto Kaiba want at time in the morning. She just stood there until the limo came to a full stop. When did stop and front passenger door open to reveal a guard, he walked to the full length of the limo and opened the door. Mrs. Moto was surprised to see Seto Kaiba carrying to what it appeared to her a young woman. The young woman seemed to be in a very deep sleep. She then recognized the women it was Isisa.

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