Chapters 40-42 Duels Start / Mistress of Dragons / Soul of the Blue Eyes *

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Chapter 40 The Duels Start

Note from the Author: I would like to take this time again to thank, Rurouni Blue Star Sapphire and her sister ProtoZero for all of support and our 'meetings' are the best. They give me more ideas that I can incorporate in the story(s)

I will also be using some duels from the anime so if anyone asks, I do not own any of it. I will be copying and adding some of my words to the duels as best as I can, there will be some made up duels for Kaiba since some of his duels were not shown

Isisa noticed that after Seto had said his speech, that all the duel medics and the duelists themselves went to find their first opponent. Isisa decided that she would stick close to Seto and Mokuba for the first little bit. She caught up to Seto just as he was going to walk into the crowd. Isisa grabbed her medic duffel bag and went to follow him.

"Hey wait up" she waved when Seto turned to see who was calling

"You are going to join me?" teased Seto

"Yea just for the first little while if you don't mind" said Isisa as she caught up to him

"No, problem on that, I have a question" asked Seto as the two walked around

"Sure, I am listening"

"What do you know about Ishizu Ishtar?" asked Seto looking at Isisa

"Well, what I can tell you is that she is a museum curator, she is also the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities. Does that help you?" asked Isisa looking at Seto

"In a way, but she said something else that was interesting something about another Blue Eyes White Dragon in the dueling world which I highly doubt because I ripped the fourth one up, so it would not be used against me" stated Seto
"Well, I don't know if I should tell you this but..." hesitated Isisa

"What tell me?" inquired Seto

"Well, there is a duelist that duels for Industrial Illusions, and well she has something what Pegasus calls the Blue Eyes White Dragon Deck. None of the cards will not work with your deck because you have three Blue Eyes White Dragons in your deck. And this deck is made to use your dragons when they are not in play. So, the duelist can use a special card that will allow that to happen. The card is called The Soul of The Blue Eyes, and it is a special card. So special in fact, that the duelist is on the Hit List for the Rare Hunters, but what they don't understand is that the deck or the Soul of the Blue Eyes won't work unless you can activate the Blue Eyes its self and that is by having three dragons already in the graveyard. So, in a way you cannot use it, there is another way of getting the Soul of the Blue Eyes to work, but it is too dangerous to deal with" finished Isisa

Seto was interested, he wanted that card in his deck, and there were ways to make cards work if they were programmed not to work unless there was a certain card involved. Then he asked,

"What is the name of this duelist?"

"Her name is Mistress of Dragons, and trust me she is no peach to deal with. Have you heard of Marik Ishtar?" asked Isisa

"Yea I have heard of him, he has two of the three God cards"

"Right, well believe it or not she kicked his ass hard. She made sure that Ra and Slifer never even made an appearance and she used Slifer against him"

"So, she won the duel?"

"Yea she did, but she didn't take Slifer or Ra, because she doesn't want them. Ishizu offered to give her Obelisk, but the same thing she turned it down"

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