Chapters 65-66 When You Hide The Past, It Comes Out / The Truth Comes Out *

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Chapter 65

Anime Summery

As the duel was proceeding, Kaiba thinks it is strange. Spear Dragon goes into defense after it attacks, and has zero defense points. Kaiba summons Giant Germ, then switches Spear Dragon into attack mode, and orders it to attack Lector's facedown monster. But Lector activates his trap card, Mask of Perplexity, which covers Kaiba's face so that he cannot see which monster he is attacking.

Kaiba orders Spear Dragon to attack a card, and then the mask disappears so he can see that he is attacking his own monster, Giant Germ. But Kaiba says that is what he was aiming for. He had to destroy Giant Germ so he could activate his Crush Card trap!

Lector laughs, lifting his goggles to beam a destructive blast at the Crush Card. Now Kaiba realizes what monster Lector is, and Lector pulls off his disguise to reveal himself as Jinzo. As the trap is destroyed, Lector starts to tell Kaiba he has been waiting for this moment for a long time! As Gozaburo's right-hand man, he says, he not only helped run Kaiba Corp, he helped raise Seto. But Seto took away everything Lector worked so hard to gain. Lector was next in line to run the company, until Seto forced his way to the top.

Flash Back

Gozaburo sat at one end of the long dining room table, while young Seto and Mokuba sit together at the other end. Lector stands at Gozaburo's side. Gozaburo tells Seto that his formal education is over its time to start learning lessons in the real world. He has Hobson bring in a cart laden with a gift for Seto ten million dollars! Gozaburo tells Seto that nothing comes without a price; he is lending the money to Seto as a test. Seto has one year to repay the money, but he must repay ten times the amount. He presents Seto with a contract, saying that if he passes the test, he earns the last name Kaiba. But if he fails, he and Mokuba will go back to the orphanage. Seto accepts the test, and signs the contract. Gozaburo then tells Seto that Lector is the only one who is allowed to help him.

Later Seto tells Lector to spend all ten million dollars to buy fifty-one percent of a company any kind of company, as long as they value their workers. Lector does so, and Seto explains to Mokuba that the company doesn't make very much money, but it might give him all the money he needs. He will force the president to run it his way.

Next, we see Seto, Mokuba, and Lector facing the president of the company in his office. Seto has offered to sell the company back to him at ten times the price he paid for it, threatening to close the company and put all the employees out of work if he does not. In order to save his employees, the outraged president agrees, and Seto has made his ten million dollars.

Lector says that Kaiba's treachery began when Gozaburo gave him ten million dollars to test his business skills. When Seto increased the money by threatening a smaller company, Gozaburo was impressed by Seto's abilities, and his cruelty. But that was not good enough for Seto.

Young Seto called together the Big 5, telling them that if they helped him take over Kaiba Corporation, they would rule together as a team. They all began to buy up stock in Kaiba Corp, but they began to have difficulties. They realized that someone was leaking their plans to Gozaburo, and Seto told them it was Mokuba. Accusing Mokuba of betraying him, Seto threw his brother out.

End of Flash Back

Present-day Mokuba's fists clench on his knees as he remembers that day, the most horrible day of his life. Noah watches Mokuba, smiling.

"After Mokuba's rejection, he was forced to turn to Gozaburo. Gozaburo assumed that Mokuba, who owned 2% of KC shares, would be on his side. For he would be safe as long as he owned 49% of the company, for when you made his takeover attempt with his own 49%, Gozaburo thought when your plan failed. He would fire us and send you back to the orphanage, but when Mokuba threw in with your shares, using his two percent to back you up. No matter what, Mokuba insisted that he and you were a team, and he would never turn his back on his brother" stated Lector

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