Chapters 29-30 Nobody Knows / More Then a Dip in the pool *

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Chapter 29

When Yugi got home from school, his friends came over and crashed in his living room. They were telling Grandpa all about the play. They were so excited that they didn't notice Yugi slipping upstairs to his room. When he got there, the Pharaoh appeared.

"Hey that play wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though I did not like the part where Kaiba and Isisa were kissing" said the Pharaoh trying to get out of trouble

"Why did you do it?" said Yugi with hands on hips

"What do you mean, I didn't do anything...or at least I think I didn't," said the Pharaoh trying to sound innocent of any crime

"Come on, mom is missing more them half of her underwear, including bras and the same goes for Isisa. Now where did you put them?" said Yugi sternly

"I'm not going to tell you, partner"

"Okay then you leave me no choice," said Yugi while reaching behind his neck about to take off the Puzzle

"Hey, what are you going to do...I'll tell you where they are...just don't take off the Puzzle" said the Pharaoh

Yugi stopped and placed his hands down by his sides and said,

"Okay then, where are they"

"They are in the backyard, under the porch"

"You put them outside, oh come on," said Yugi heading out of his room

"Hey where are you going?" said the Pharaoh

"Outside to clean your mess before Isisa finds out"

"Oh, she already knows about that...I made sure of that," giggled the Pharaoh

Yugi went out side with the Pharaoh following him. He looked under the porch and sure enough, there was a laundry basket full of women's under clothes, but that wasn't what made Yugi look again. When he looked, again he could not believe what he was seeing. All the undergarments were covered with mud. He looked at the Pharaoh who was standing beside him.

"How could you do this?" asked Yugi

"Well, it was pay back for putting me through...HELL shall we say" said the Pharaoh calmly

"What? You didn't like it that Isisa beat you at wrestling"


"You know you are going to have to clean these up before tomorrow when Isisa leaves right"

"WHAT, she is leaving who? What? Where?" asked the Pharaoh

"Isisa is leaving to move in with Kaiba at his place," said Yugi slowly

"NO, SHE IS NOT. NOT WHILE I AM STILL HERE," shouted the Pharaoh

"You are not her father, are you?" asked Yugi

"Yes, I am ...I mean no, I am though her brother and I do have a say in where she goes and who she goes with," exclaimed the Pharaoh

"Well, too bad" said Yugi as he started throwing pebbles at Isisa's window

Isisa heard the pebbles against her window while she was packing. She went to the window and opened it.

"What is it Yugi?" she asked

"Well, I found your underwear, umm do you have anything else that is dirty because otherwise I'll put them through the wash" replied Yugi

"Why do you have to wash them?"

"Well, the Pharaoh decide to get revenge for the wrestling match thing and kind of made them dirty if you know what I mean" said Yugi while showing a pair of underwear to Isisa

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