Chapters 23-24 Pre-Game Training / Wrestling or is it? *

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Chapter 23

The Pharaoh was furious with Yugi, [How can that kid take it so lightly, this is not a matter to be taken with no care in the world. I am worried for Isisa, she is getting herself into something that is going to hurt her, and she is just treating it like a whim. How can I make her see that Kaiba is not right for her...well at least now, he isn't the right man for her not yet anyway? The only thing he cares about is his company and Mokuba that is all, and well his Blue Eyes White Dragons...but that's beside the point. The point is that he is going to hurt Isisa really badly, but she does not see that. Ohh Ra, how can I make her understand] thought the Pharaoh as he sat down on the backyard swing.

He didn't know what to do or what to tell Isisa, [She maybe Seto's wife and all, but that doesn't mean that she knows him as well as I do, I just don't know how to tell her. This situation is getting a whole lot worse, I thought it was only a little puppy love and then you get over it. But no this is something much more, Isisa will lose a lot more then her dignity if she and Kaiba consummate their marriage, she will lose her soul. She will become his and she won't be happy anymore. She will blame herself if she does something that isn't her fault. Kaiba will destroy the wild spirit that lies within Isisa. I know it sounds dumb and almost insane, but there is something inside Isisa that will become tamed. I know this because I have seen that spirit, every time she is mad or she is scared the spirit shows a part of its self, though I don't know what it is.... grrrr I can't think anymore]

Just then, as the Pharaoh was shaking his head a voice spoke to him. The Pharaoh felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight up, his back straightened and with a brave voice he said,

"Who is there?"

"You have nothing to fear my Pharaoh, I am a friend" whispered the voice

"I repeat who are you, show yourself" ordered the pharaoh

"I cannot show myself at this time, but rest assured your sister will be safe" said the voice in barely a whisper


"As you wish my Pharaoh," said the voice then a misty figure appeared.

The Pharaoh stumbled backwards; he could not believe his eyes for there in front of him was a Blue Eyes White Dragon. The dragon lowered its head as in bowing towards the pharaoh. The Pharaoh nodded his head slowly, unsure of what to do next, then the dragon spoke,

"Do you see me now Pharaoh?"

"Y-Yes, I do, can this be?" said the Pharaoh in astonishment

"I am a spirit like yourself, I have protected the bloodline of your sister for about five thousand years, and every time a child is born from that line, I move my spirit to that child. The mother unfortunately dies, though I cannot prevent that, it just happens that they grow too dependent on my power that they don't realize it can kill them. I do not do it on purpose, but it's a sacrifice that has to be made...But enough about me, ask me what you want to ask me" said the dragon in a lower tone of voice

"I see where you are coming from, but what did you mean when you said that Isisa is safe. I didn't understand that." Stated the Pharaoh regaining his bravery

"This Seto Kaiba you speak of has yet to face my real power, though I will not harm him or his sweet brother in any way. He will face my power and Isisa's power or strength that is, one day. When that day is no one knows, not even I know when it is to come. Isisa must be the one to call on me, but must first be able to test him on an equal playing field. That is how fate deemed it to be, and when the time comes for Isisa to give birth to a child, you my dear Pharaoh must also be ready. For when that day comes, Isisa will have to be tested and see if she is worthy and strong enough to live without the protection of the Blue Eyes White Dragon. So, until that day, good day my Pharaoh and remember Seto Kaiba will face my power one of these days, though it may be years he will face his test. Now I must take my leave, I have already used up more then I should have, Isisa will be greatly weakened by this visit. For I usually only come out when she wills me out. So, until our next meeting my Pharaoh, live long, prosper, and may Ra smile down on your always" with that the Blue Eyes White Dragon vanished from sight.

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