Chapters 111-112 A Trip to the Past / Memories *

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Chapter 111

As the gang stepped off the airplane, the heat engulfed them.

 "Man it's an oven here" stated Joey unbuttoning his shirt to reveal the white undershirt Kaiba had forcibly given him.

"Yea I wonder how Marik and them can stand the heat," stated Téa

"I can't wait to see Isisa's new horse," stated Tristan

"Really why do you want to see her horses" asked Joey

"Well one of them she named Atem," stated Tristan

"Really what is the big deal with that" asked Joey

"Well she said that she was going to geld him, and I told her to wait I wanted to see how they do that" pointed out Tristan

"You are aware they cut off the balls of the poor horse right," stated Tea

"I know I'm just curious, my sister is a vet and me and her had a disagreement on how they castrated horses" said Tristan

"Okay whatever you say," said Joey looking grossed out

 Yugi did not say anything, but looked right ahead and walked into the airport. The gang claimed their luggage and were walking towards the exit when they passed some shops and Téa pointed to something in a shop window. Joey and Tristan were grumbling something about not being out of the airport and Téa was already shopping. Yugi smiled at the two. Then just as Téa left them to purchase something from the store, Yugi heard his name being called.

 "Yugi over here" shouted Marik as he waved

"Hey guys look it's Marik, Ishizu and Odion. Where's Philip" asked Yugi

"Oh, he is working," stated Marik

"I see" smiled Yugi

"So Yugi are you ready to find your memories" asked Odion

"You bet I am," stated Yugi

"There is so much to talk about I don't know where to started"

"How about lunch" stated Joey placing a hand over his stomach

"That sounds like a good idea, I hate airplane food" pointed Tristan out

"Yea I bet you do, it's not the best" stated Marik

 Ishizu came up, and started talking to the Pharaoh. Yugi switches with the Pharaoh.

 "My Pharaoh you have a long journey ahead. We are honored to be your guides, I'll show you where the stone tablets are" said Ishizu as they walked towards a fast food booth

"The pleasure is all mine," replied the Pharaoh smiling

  The group took their places and placed their orders. After a light meal, they walked out of the airport and Téa took out her digital camera and started snapping pictures. With Odion at the wheel, the group drives through the desert. Tristan, Joey, and Téa look eagerly out the windows, exclaiming at the pyramids and the Sphinx, while the Pharaoh sits quietly looking out the window. Marik and Ishizu got into the second jeep that they had brought and followed the gang.

 About an hour later, the group reached a stone entryway built into the side of a large cliff. Ishizu tells them that beyond this door lies the tablet of lost memories. As they stand before the door, the gang looks around at the scenery. There wasn't much, but in the distance they could see a cloud of dust coming towards them. The gang wondered who was coming towards them.

 As the group entered the darkened stairwell, the Pharaoh wondered what waited for him at the bottom of the stairs. As their eyes adjusted to the darkness, they all stood in wonder at the stairs. There in front of them stood the stone tablets. The Pharaoh looked at them, he then held up the three God cards and everything went black.

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