Chapters 11-12 The Loving Brother / Realization *

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Chapter 11

Twenty minutes later, Isisa woke up she felt groggy. Her head was hurting like hell, same for as for ribs. When her vision cleared, she looked around at her surroundings, there was a semitransparent curtain in front of her. There was also white hospital like beds and equipment. Isisa started to be terrified; she hated hospitals with a passion. She did not know why she hated them, but she did and it scared her. Just as she was pulling herself up, Injection Fairy Lilly pushed the curtain aside and said.

"So, Blue Eyes you decided to rejoin the land of the living," teased Injection Fairy Lilly

"Just tell me the damage, I caused this time" said Blue Eyes

"Well, where do you want to start, the fact that you have a minor concussion, or maybe the bruised ribs, or perhaps even the dislocated shoulder, which I'm a little concerned about, or all of the above"?

"How about all of the above"

"Okay, well you won't be driving for awhile that's for sure, no martial arts, no horse back riding, and you might not be doing any work until your shoulder gets better" said Injection Lilly

"I see," said Blue Eyes nodding her head

"So, am I in a hospital or what?" asked Blue Eyes

"No, you are in the infirmary at the school. Mrs. Moto is coming by taxi to drive you home"

"Oh, I see"

'Isisa just lie down and relax, okay it's going to be a couple of hours before Mrs. Moto gets here okay" with that Injection Fairy left

Isisa laid back down and rested her head on the pillow her head ached. [This is going to be a long day] she thought

After about half an hour, Lord of Dragons walked into the infirmary. He had Joey and Seto placed at the far end of the infirmary. Both boys were roughly dressed; their uniforms had rips and covered with blood. Joey's nose was broken so it was dressed, Seto's wrists and fits were bandage, and the both sat in a corner starting at the window.

Joey couldn't believe that he hit Isisa, it just wasn't possible. [I didn't want to hit her but she just came out of nowhere. I mean she was just there] he thought

"Okay, now so what are we going to about your punishments?" asked Lord of D as he looks at the two boys.

"You both are going to get punished," he continued

Seto and Joey looked at each other then back at Lord of D.

"So, starting tomorrow you, both are in detention, now Joey the Principal says that it was all your fault which I highly doubt. You may have been the first one to throw the first punch and I agree with that, but Seto over here could have easily have ended the fight with some trouble, but you would have been able to stop it" explained Lord of D

"So, what do we do for detention?" asked Joey quietly

"Well Seto, Isisa said you work with technology right, well Shining Fairy is technology challenged alright. So, you will operate the computer and whatever else she wants you to do for the next week. Joey you have your driver's license right, well Isisa is going to need someone to drive her, and that will be your job as well as other things okay. Now that you have your jobs, go home and recover. I don't want to see either of you at school tomorrow okay so get whatever you need from your teachers and go okay. Your detention starts on Monday" with that Lord of Dragons dismissed them.

Seto walked out of the infirmary, he had called the car ahead of time so when he got out there was the car. He couldn't believe that he just received detention. [I guess he doesn't know who I am, well I'll show him] thought Seto to himself

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