Chapters 7-8 Lock Down / The-So-Called-Husband *

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Chapter 7


Blue Eyes looked in the direction of the crowd and saw the spear heading right towards her. She jumped out of the way and as her jumped, she grabbed the spear. Blue Eyes had closed her eyes when she felt the spear enter her hands. Seconds felt like hours and when the coast was clear there was a round of applause. Blue Eyes then slowly opened her eyes and got up to her full height. She walked over to the crowd of boys and as she neared, she saw Lord of Dragons face, he seemed to have aged in that short span of excitement. When Blue Eyes reached the bleachers, she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Seth. She quickly bowed her head and turned it to the side, her face was slowly changing into a cherry red at the memory of what happened between them during lunch.

Seto looked at Blue Eyes, what happened could've certainly have killed her. How she managed to side step and catch the spear in her hands was a miracle. For if she had been killed, Yugi would right now be at the mercy of his hands and that would not go over well that was for sure. When Blue Eyes came closer to the group of wide-eyed boys, Seto wished they were back in the business classroom. Had he known that she hid such a shapely body underneath that outfit she wore back there; he would have never let her run. For what he saw was enough to raise the temperature in the building. Blue Eyes had put her hair back in a ponytail, which made her face seem sharper. She wore a black tank top with lace on top edged, spandex black pants, and to top it off she wore one-inch heels.

Seto looked at her just wanted to take her out and kiss her already bruised lips. He looked around him and saw Joey just staring at her. [That kid is going to get it] thought Seto

Joey was mesmerized, this was going to be his girl, and that was for sure. [Kaiba would just have to go and get another girl] thought Joey with venom, Joey turned to see Kaiba glaring at him. He sent money bags a look saying "Get your own, she's mine" in which Kaiba replied by sending a looking saying "if you want her, you have to fight me for her"

This staring match continued throughout the 10 minutes of everyone calming down because of the excitement, Yugi was getting pats on the back and words of high praise from his fellow classmates. Blue Eyes was dealing with Lord of Dragons who seemed to be still in shock from the incident.

"Okay, boys listen up. Now that the fun is over its time to get serious," said Blue Eyes walking towards the little group that surrounded Yugi

"Okay everyone will take a prototype of any weapon of your choice and start practicing with it. Alright, Yugi come with me, you and me are going to have a little chat," said Blue Eyes indicating with her finger, for Yugi to follow her.

Yugi followed Blue Eyes to the far side of the gym, where for sue they won't be disturbed.

"So, Yugi was it you or the Pharaoh who threw the spear?" asked Blue Eyes eyeing the Pharaoh as he appeared

"Umm, it was him" Yugi pointed with his finger at the Pharaoh

"Hey since when you are rating out on me snitch," bellowed the Pharaoh

"Well, Isisa could have been killed," said the teenager quietly

"Yes, I can see that but she was the one who in the way of the spear in the first place" defended the Pharaoh

"Well if it hadn't been me, someone would have been killed okay" interrupted Blue Eyes

"Exactly my point" said Yugi

"And don't you have something so say to Isisa, Pharaoh?" continued Yugi

"What do you mean?" said the Pharaoh crossing his arms and turning away from the two of them

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