Chapters 3-4 The Egypt Game / Tension *

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Chapter 3

Isisa had parked CC right beside Lord of Dragon's oversized tan colored van. She had been thinking a lot about the limo she saw, at first it didn't really bother her for she knew that Seto Kaiba was older than her and wouldn't be going to high school. Or so she thought, she saw the limo again and then stopped what she had been doing and looked at who came out.

[It was defiantly a man and oh my he's hotter than the Egyptian sun in summer time. There is no way in Ra's name that this tall dark and handsome person was Seto Kaiba] she said to herself.

She quickly turned her attention to the sound speakers and microphone that were sitting in the trunk. She then gathered them up, walked into the high school, she then turned left, and headed towards the huge gym where the group was setting up for the second period assembly. Lord of Dragon's was having another fit on where everything should go. [This isn't new] thought Isisa

"Lord of Dragon, where do you want us girls to go" asked a dark brunette girl

"You silly spell caster you...I told you five minutes ago where I wanted you" shouted Lord D

"Okay then, but you never told Blue Eyes over there. She always comes in late and you never shout at her when she asks" cried the girl

"It's because Blue Eyes never gets in my way and I don't ask her to do things twice. She goes and gets it done. As for the fact why, she comes late well she just got out of the desert and don't you think she a least deserves some time go get used to the time change and get over jet lag" he shouted back.

The girl didn't say anymore, she knew it was now useless trying to mess with Lord of Dragon because he will fight you till the end.

"How bad did he chew you out Dark Fairy?" Blue Eyes asked when Lord of D went to have another duel monster for breakfast

"Not too bad, I guess he is such an asshole I can't really stand him. How do you put up with him? You have been doing this much longer then I have," she asked

"Well I gave him a piece of my mind once; he didn't really want it and then well me and him ended up fighting each other and let's just say that he didn't like the end result"

"Really you what did you do to him? I know he's a martial artist, black belt, I think. I mean I'm just a measly red belt and the only place I'm going if I'm lucky is the hospital"

"Hey don't put yourself down like that. I didn't get to where I am now by just crying tears" replied Blue Eyes

"I guess" came the hopeful reply

"Now where do you want these speakers and microphone?" questioned Blue Eyes


[Everything was going just wonderful] thought Kaiba sarcastically

When Mrs. Young finished handing out schedules and locker numbers, he had found out that his locker was one over from the Mutt's and Yugi and the other two were close by.

[I cannot believe that in my last year I have to put up with those losers near me. I guess I will hope that I don't have class with most of them] he thought.

"So Yugi what classes do you have this semester" asked Joey

"Well my first block is homeroom English with Mrs. Young, then I have Cooking with Monsieur Du Berry, then I have Ancient History with Madame Louvell, and last but not least I have PE with Mr. Cantle. What about you Joey" asked Yugi

"Well I have for first homeroom English like you, then I have Science Technology with Mr. I can't remember, umm then me and Tristan have Chem. together, and then PE with you as well" came the not so smart reply

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