Chapters 21-22 A Royal Encounter / Princess & CEO? Pharaoh & Shrink? *

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Chapter 21

The song that is mentioned is a real song, I have added the lyrics as part of the story, I hope you enjoy. This song was taken from Kiki's Delivery Service.There is a quote from LittleKuriboh. If you do not know LittleKuriboh See if you can pick out the quote for those who HAVE seen LittleKuriboh. I suggest that the people who HAVE not seen it go and check it out on YouTube or better yet get the episodes on iTunes they are FREE! Pod casts. Just type in Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series and you will get it. You MUST check this out.

Everyone stared in wonder at the two royals. Isisa was three steps behind Yugi who had changed with the Pharaoh before going out of the change room. Even Seto was amazed; his 'wife' looked well... breath taking, which was true because his breath was definitely gone. Her blue eyes were almost highlighted by the black Kohl that lined her eyes. She looked at him, and his heart started racing. Seto frowned at this; they cannot be seen in another compromising position. He would have to keep his distance.

The Pharaoh saw Kaiba's expression and wondered why the frown, [He should be glad that he was chosen to be one of my guards...well whatever the reason for the frown i just hope it won't interfere with the play. I really want to see what game Isisa will teach me and I hope that Lord of D has extra help because I am going to make his life in this game hell ha-ha-ha...wait is my crown on right??] Thought the Pharaoh wickedly as he and Isisa approached the group.

When the Pharaoh and the Princess came to the group the Egyptologists bowed out of respect, the students looked at what the Egyptologists were doing and soon some of them copied the same bowing motion.

Then Lord of D said,

"Now that you have seen Her Highness, our loving Princess is going to disappear, the reason being everyone is going to be practicing their parts with an Egyptologist. You royal guards" he pointed at Bakura, Seto, and Joey "are going to learn how to protect your Pharaoh and Princess. Okay does everyone know what's going on?" he asked

"Yes" said the students as they left to go into their groups

"Okay, you four boys come with me" he indicated to them

Seto, Joey, and Bakura followed silently. Yugi or the Pharaoh was unsure on what Lord of D was going to do. He was going to heed Isisa's warning about Lord of D trying to mess him up. He was going to be weary of him that was for sure.

"Okay now you three...Yugi come here you are Pharaoh after all" said Lord of D as he was trying to explain something.

Yugi walked over and joined the group of boys. Bakura on the other hand did not seemed to be paying attention to anything Lord of Dragons was saying. The Pharaoh noticed this and then took another look. He almost lost his balance when he realized who it REALLY was... [It can't be...I thought that Bakura's evil side was gone for good. i don't see how he could have come back...unless...] thought the Pharaoh with great puzzlement.

Bakura (Evil) thought that this "re-enactment" as those mortals like to call it, was a waste of his time. He wanted to go out of the class and do something more "productive" so to speak. Bakura glanced over his shoulder and noticed the Pharaoh eyeing him. He then looked towards the table were there were some Egyptian swords, and then glanced again towards the Pharaoh. As in some unspoken challenged, the Pharaoh nodded and both went towards the table.

Lord of D didn't notice that two of his boys were missing, he was focusing more of his attention to Seto and Joey, showing them some tricks that can help them improve their walking skills when they are escorting a royal, noble or even a common person, and making sure they don't kill each other in the process. It was not until Isisa came back from her hiding spot that he noticed that something was amiss. He could not place his finger on what it was.

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