Chapter 57 Winged Dragon of Ra and Blue Eyes White Dragon *

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Note from the Author: Blue Eyes and Isisa are having a conversation that only they can her each other, besides 'good' Marik and 'Dark' Bakura.

RECAPP: His dragon, the Blue Eyes was Isisa's soul. He then remembered the double duel he had with Yugi. The dragon that showed up and that had stayed and growled at him. It was there right in front of him and if Ra destroyed it, Isisa would be out of his life forever...

Anime Summery Starts

The Winged Dragon of Ra hovered above the dueling platform, in the form of a golden sphere. Beside the Winged Dragon stood the Blue Eyes White Dragon looking rather sad with her head bowed.

Blue Eyes looked at Mai, she looked more frightened then she did when Ra had come to the field. She then looked at the gang looking up at her, their eyes where in wide shock. Seto even could get up; he was in the same spot where Isisa had been.

"Blue Eyes, I am scared," said Isisa

"I know, I didn't know Marik was capable of this, but then again he is a psychopath," said Blue Eyes to her friend.

"We will get through this don't worry" reassured Blue Eyes

Marik taunted Mai, saying now that she has stolen his Egyptian God card, why doesn't she try using it against him? Mai can only stare at it, asking, this is the Winged Dragon of Ra. The gang watch from the sidelines, wondering what that thing is. Yugi says that Ra is locked inside the sphere, and Joey says Mai has free it, fast! Marik says that only he knows how to control Ra, but Kaiba thinks soon he will learn how to control its unstoppable force.

Marik then reminds Mai that this is a Shadow Duel. Once he wins, Mai's mind will be trapped in the Shadow Realm forever. Joey says they cannot let Marik win, but Kaiba just smiles, eager to see the God card in action. Mark says that only someone with knowledge of the ancient scriptures can wield the power of Ra. Mai says he is just jealous because she's going to use his God card to beat him. So, he tells her to try reading the text written on the bottom of the card the ancient chant used to call upon the hidden powers of Ra. If she cannot recite it, he will, and then he will control the dragon. Mai sees that there are now mysterious characters on the bottom of the card. She doesn't remember seeing them when she first played it is this another of Marik's mind tricks? Mai realizes she is in trouble. Not only does she have to deal with a God card, but she also had to deal with a Blue Eyes.

Yugi knows that if Marik recites the chant, the dragon will obey him. Mokuba asks Kaiba what he thinks the card says,

"What do you think the cards says?" asked Mokuba to his brother

"It's ancient Egyptian" interjected Maria looking scared

Both Seto and Mokuba looked at her,

"How do you know?" asked Mokuba

"Isisa, recited the chant a duel against Marik" finished Maria wiping a stray tear way

"Photograph the card using the satellite network and use the onboard network to translate it" finished Kaiba

"I can help, I know the ancient language" said Maria following Mokuba

Back at the duel, Marik tells Mai to stare at the card all she wants, she will never be able to read it. It's written in a special form of hieroglyphics used by high-ranking individuals in Egypt. His family guarded the Pharaoh's tomb, so they can read it. He says he bets Kaiba could read it, but Kaiba doesn't know what Marik's talking about. Marik says that several people on this vessel can trace their history back to ancient Egypt.

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