Chapters 73-74 Bulls and Stallions AGAIN ?/ "You Speak Egyptian" *

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Chapter 73

"Man, glad that is over" said Blue Eyes

"Really, why?" asked Isisa

"I plan to go and pig out again," laughed the Blue Eyes as she emerged from Isisa ponytail

"You know you are going to be sick right?" replied Isisa

"Oh, yea don't I know it," titter Blue Eyes

"Hey Kaiba wait. I challenge you to a duel, for third place, unless of course you are scared of losing to me" said Joey in Tristan's borrowed jacket

But Kaiba just walks on and heads for the elevator, Joey runs in front of him and stops him; accusing Kaiba of thinking, he is too good for the rest of them. Joey says he used to be a stubborn jerk, just like Kaiba. He picked on everyone else, but inside he felt alone. Then he was in a tough situation, and Yugi stuck up for him. He realized that looking out for other people actually makes you stronger. Yugi changed his life that day. And he has seen Yugi stick his neck out for Kaiba lots times, but has Kaiba ever said thank you? Take away his Kaiba Corp flunkies, and who is he got on his team? Joey says Kaiba's done nothing but bust his chops about his dueling skills ever since he met him, but now it seems he's afraid of losing to him. Kaiba makes threatening noises, and Joey says he will take his chances. Kaiba thinks dueling Joey would be a waste of time he would crush him. Joey says prove it. So, Kaiba accepts, over Mokuba's objection, telling Joey that all the friends in the world will not save him. Seto heads to the elevator and so does Mokuba, but Joey is not far behind. Just as the doors to the elevator started to close, Joey managed to slip in just as the doors were closing.

"Ooooo, I got to see how this ends up," said Blue Eyes as she flew up into the air and headed down towards the ground.

"I think we better find the stairs," suggested Tea

"Yea, I have to agree, that elevator is not going to be an elevator after those two are done" said Duke

"Yea, and we better stop any fight that will happen, because I don't think Joey is going to make it through that fight," said Tristan

"Wait. Did you just say Joey? I thought he was in the Medical Room" interrupted Isisa

"Well, he was, didn't you see him here" said Yugi

"No, but we better get down there before Kaiba kicks the crap out of Joey" said Duke as he started to search for some stairs

Meanwhile in the elevator,

"You don't know how good of a deal you got Kaiba. I mean Isisa she is a pretty girl and you got her, isn't that enough" taunted Joey

"Wheeler, the second those doors open you are going to be on the ground," warned Seto

Mokuba inched his way into a nearby corner.

"Oh, I can't wait to see that," said Joey back

Seto looked at the lights on the elevator and saw that there were only two more floors left. He took off his Duel Disk and handed it to Mokuba, who took it without question.

Just then the doors opened and Joey said,

"Kaiba just one word...Cherries"

Seto looked confused, as he took off his jacket and let it drop to the floor.

"What" he asked

"Her lips taste like cherries" laughed Joey as he turned around and ran out the elevator with Seto at his heels. The two started to circle each other as they got into an open area.

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