Chapters 43-44 Slifer The Sky Dragon Parts 1 & 2 *

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Chapter 43

Note from the Author: I will be using most of Episode 65-67 Mime Control, from Season 2; I will let you know when the real parts end the fic parts starts. I will be doing a summary of the duel, thank you to For letting me use some of the duel summaries. But some has been taken from directly from the video feed, but it is annoying and hard work to get the exact writing down I will also be adding some cut scenes from the Japanese version as well to make the duels more interesting. To everyone I am just covering my butt so any original characters like Isisa, Philip and everyone like that who is not in the original anime I do own but all other characters I do not own. Just to cover my butt here people...

Maria looked around the dueling area, [Where can he BE, he SAID he WAS going to BE there for crying out loud] thought Maria as she constantly looked at her wristwatch that Mokuba sent for Christmas.

"Waiting for your boyfriend," teased Isisa

"HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND" trying to deny the accusation

"Oh, sure he is. I know the look it comes every time he is around," teased Isisa again

"NO, it does not," cried Maria

"Oh, come on let me tease you. You do it every time I am with Seto" said Isisa sitting beside Maria

"Oh, sure I do"

Just then, the two looked over to see Joey, Tristan, Grandpa, and Tea walk towards them,

Anime Start

"Who's the man, thanks to Weevil, only two locater cards away from the finals?" proclaimed Joey

"That was some impressive dueling back their Joey, you sent that cheater running out of Battle City like roach from a spray can" complemented Tristan

"Thanks Tristan, I guess I was the star of the show today wasn't I. The crowd dubs me; I crushed Weevil what a duel ha. Plus, I got that termites rarest card, The Insect Queen" said Joey holding up the card

"And you totally deserve it Joey, think about it so far you out smarted two top duelists and both of them turned out to be major cheaters" exclaimed Tea

"Yea, why do I attract these freaks?" asked Joey

"Hahaha, its good practice Joey. Dueling Espa Roba and Weevil prepared you for anything. You're on your way to becoming an experienced duelist" explained Grandpa

"Yea, your right. Eat your heart out Yugi hahaha," laughed Joey

[Oh, I just hope that Yugi's safe. Where ever he is] thought Téa

"Alright, let's get going you guys we still haven't found Yugi and Joey needs another challenge" pumped Tristan

"Yea"-exclaimed Joey

End of Anime

"Hey look over there," pointed Maria

"Hey guys" waved Isisa over to where her and Maria were sitting

"Hey what's up, have you seen Yugi?" asked Joey

"No, but I did see some of your duel with Espa" said Isisa

"Great, did you love the way I kicked his little ass" said Joey

"Sure, you proved yourself that you can win duels without your Red Eyes congrats" congratulated Isisa

"Yea, it was great knowing that I could win without my Red Eyes, though I do miss the card, but I know that Yugi is going to take good care of it," said Joey

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