Chapter 45 The Duel Medic *

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Mistress of Dragons looked at the Yugi's friends having fun, Joey was on the phone with someone and boasting about being in the finals. She was glad that he made it on his own.

"You sure you want to do this?" asked Blue Eyes as she appeared along side

"I have no choice, they have me against a rock and a hard place" replied Mistress Dragons

"Then why don't you take a beeping pickax and make a path"

"Ha, if it was only that easy" said Mistress Dragons as she looked at the gang.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Let's get this over with" as she made her way towards the group.

Flash Back

"Now, now was that so hard?" asked Odion with a blunt tone

"Let her go, she is only a child. It's me you want," begged Isisa as she watched the four Rare Hunters leave with Maria begging to be let free

"No, I am afraid you are needed, my dear Mistress of Dragons. Best get dressed" came the order

"NO! I won't be your toy," shouted Isisa as she struggled trying to get out of Odion's grasp

"You will or you will never see Maria again, now come. There is much to be done" said Odion dragging Isisa to where her car was parked by the Domino Aquarium

When they had arrived, he forced Isisa to open her car and retrieve her Mistress of Dragons outfit. She did what she was told, the dagger now pressed against her back. It felt like a gun barrel digging into her flesh.

"Dress" ordered Odion

"Not in public" stated Isisa

"Then here" said Odion as he pushed her into a public washroom, knowing that she would have to come out dressed as Mistress of Dragons

Isisa took her time dressing, applying the makeup, placing the duel disk on her left arm, and grabbing her duffle bag. She then when to her deck belt and looked at the two cards that she had won from Kaiba. Soul of Dragon Trainer and Blue Dragon Spirit, she placed the cards back into her deck and took out Dark Magician Girl and placed her in her Amateur deck.

Odion saw her walk out, and then he grabbed her and told her what she was supposed to do.

"You are to find Kaiba and Yugi Moto and stay with them as their duel medic, but DON'T you DARE tell them what you are up to" commanded Odion

"And if I do" spat Isisa

"Oh, you won't, I will hold on to this card" he said grabbing Mistress of Dragons deck and fished out Soul of the Blue Eyes

"NO! NOT THAT CARD" cried Mistress Dragons trying to grabbed the card

"Do as you are told and Maria and this card will be returned we have a deal" eyed Odion know full well that she will agree

"Yes, we do," whispered Mistress of Dragons with a bowed head

"Good, then go and find them. You will not be asked to duel so get rid of the duel disk" finished Odion as he left

End of Flash Back

Anime Summery start

Joey talked with his sister Serenity on the phone, telling her that he had enough locater cards to be in the finals.

"That's great, I knew all along that you would be a finalist," rejoiced Serenity

"I couldn't have done it without your support, I just wish you could have seen me in action!" laughed Joey

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