Chapters 37-39 Morning After / Stranger in the Night / Welcome To Battle City *

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Chapter 37

Rewind: after Yugi left the room

After Yugi had left the room with Philip, Seto went to comfort Isisa. She had been scared out of her mind when he had come in during their 'love making' he held her in his arms and calmed her down. When she was calmed down it was time for his nerves to settle down, for they were starting to act up again after Seto had smelled her perfume. It still was spilling its sweet fragrance around the room.

"I think I need a drink," declared Seto as he stood up from the bed

"Me too" agreed Isisa as she spotted a bathrobe in the bathroom. She grabbed the bathrobe, tied it securely around her, and went into the sitting room to join Seto.

Seto poured the flutes with champagne and then handed one to Isisa. He then took his and looked at the clock on the wall, it read 11:59 pm, then he noticed that someone was watching him. He turned at saw Isisa watching him from over the rim of her glass. He then went over to the couch where she was standing, took her hand, and led her to the bed with the glasses. He then turned off the light for the second time that evening and went to join Isisa on the bed.

Two where in each other's arms again, drinking and talking quietly while enjoying one's company. They started talking about how Mokuba has a very obvious crush on Maria. It had become their game to tease Mokuba, since Maria was the only girl Mokuba had really liked talking about or having fun with.

"Will you join us for Christmas" asked Seto looking at Isisa while sneaking a peak at her robe at which was starting to come lose

"I guess I will, or Mokuba will tie us up with tinsel and maybe stick us out in the snow" giggle Isisa

"Yea I have to agree with you on that one" agreed Seto as he put down his glass and held Isisa closer

"Hey, I saw that" said Isisa while walking to fingers up Seto's well-toned chest

"Is that so, maybe I have to get punished, humm what do you think" said Seto as he started to nibble at Isisa's ear

"I think that someone wants to go for round two," she said as she placed her glass on the nightstand.

WARNING MAJOR MUSHY SCENE: Please continue down Until you see the other bolding saying that the scene has ended.

Seto moved from under Isisa and went so that he was on top of her. He then opened the robe to see what he missed. He cupped her face in his hands, bent his head, and kissed her. Seto's lips seared Isisa's, and his tongue plunged into her mouth without any mercy. For he really knew how to use it the possibilities made her knees go weak, and she might have lost her balance had she not been on the bed. The way his hands moved up and down her waist made Isisa's head spin. Seto then broke off the kiss, only to work the bathrobe off Isisa's shoulders and onto the floor right beside the dress. He had caught her breasts the instant they were free of the harsh material from the bathrobe and gently held them. Isisa who was new to this sort of thing let her head go back into the pillow and groaned out loud, she left Seto smile as he bent down to kiss her behind her ear.

She could feel the desire flowing throw Seto for the evidence was pressing into her lower belly ready to find home. Seto then pulled away, sat on the edge of the bed, and then grabbed he handle for the bedside table and took a condom he had ordered to be sent to the room. He then said with a smirk as he undid his pants zipper.

"Now where was I before we were so rudely interrupted"

"I don't know you tell me" smiled Isisa, as she got ready for him.

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