Chapter 58 If Life Deals You Lemons, Make Lemonade *

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NOTE! I have skipped the duel between Ishizu and Kaiba; all of you know that Kaiba wins. I cut it out because I didn't think the duel was important enough it may have been but not in this story.

The name of the Chapter was Random it does have some meaning to the chapter but I needed a name for the chapter so I looked a proverb up. It means if life throws you lemons which are sour add some sugar and make lemonade, so in other words look for the best things in life not the sour ones.

As Seto entered the computer room aboard the airship, Seto asks Mokuba if he was able to translate the text on the Winged Dragon of Ra card yet.

"Pretty close, but for some reason the network is still having troubles with the last few words. I had to connect to the network at Industrial Illusions to have it analyzed," stated Mokuba as he took his eyes off the screen

As Seto turned to look at the text he could not believe his eyes, he could read the image of the text like it was in plain English. He closed his eyes and then shook his head trying to get the images of his duel with Ishizu out of his mind. Then he looked up and looked at the image again, Seto then remembered what Marik said, that the words on the card were written in an ancient text used only by the high-ranking officials in Egypt. Then he recalls Ishizu telling him that the sorcerer opposing the Pharaoh on the carved stone tablet is himself, and the vision of himself kneeling before a carving of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon that he saw during his duel with Ishizu.

Still finding this hard to believe, Seto says,

"I-I-I think I need some fresh air"

"Are you okay?" asked Mokuba looking up at his brother

"Yes, I am fine. I think that I will go and see Isisa, check on how she is doing," said Seto as he left the computer room

"But her condition hasn't changed yet" shouted Mokuba after him

"What was that all about?" asked Maria who had just woken up

"Nothing," finished Mokuba as he turned his attention back to the computer

Seto walked along the hallway insisting to himself that he's the CEO of Kaiba Corp, not an ancient magician, Seto then falls to his knees, unable to deal with what he's seen. Seto then slowly gets up and walks to the medical room, there he sees Isisa lying down with her eyes closed. He sat down on the chair beside her. Then he remembers on the first day they met...

Flash Back

They were a sapphire color like his own, but they were warm instead of cold as ice like his were. They seemed to smile at him when he looked, but then just for an instant they had a frightened look about them. [Who is she, where did she come from and why all of a sudden is, she frightened?]

End of Flash Back

Seto felt a hand go through his hair; he slowly lifted his head to see to blue eyes smiling at him.

"Missed Me," whispered Isisa

"You don't know how much," said Seto holding Isisa in his arms

"Gentle, gentle" she whispered

"How are you feeling?" asked Seto as he laid Isisa back down on the bed

"Light headed, weak, what else am I supposed to say" she smiled

Just then, the doctor came over,

"How are you feeling, Mrs. Kaiba" asked the doctor

"Okay, light headed but okay," replied Isisa

From the Past to the Future Book 1 (Seto Kaiba) (Revision Complete)Where stories live. Discover now