Chapters 81-82 More Questions & Less Answers / Where Is Pegasus? *

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Chapter 81

"How did you get here?" asked Mokuba as Mistress Dragons came into the light

"I-I don't remember" she replied as she looked at the duel starting before her

Flash Back

Isisa walked out of the hospital just as Nuri was walking in,

"Isisa, I have just come to check on you," replied her friend

"I am not in the mood and besides I am fine," snapped Isisa as she walked by

"I'm sorry she has been like that for a while, but it seems to have gotten worse" apologized Professor Hawkins

'Really, what her attitude or her appearance?" asked Nuri

"Her mood swings," said the Professor bluntly as he watched Isisa hail a cab and head off in the direction of her Hotel

"How long has that been going on" questioned Nuri

"Well, for three weeks she was seasick, and now she has this attitude that I don't know where it came from. Perhaps it is all the stress that is coming from her divorce" answered Professor Hawkins

"Divorce? This is the first time I am hearing about this," said Nuri in astonishment.

"Yes, I know a shocker"

"You are telling me," [When did this all happen, I mean the two of them where fine when I went to attend Seto about his pains. Did something happen or Seshafi would have tried to do anything like that...but then again you can never guess with that women or should I really call her a woman...] thought Nuri as she saw Isisa leave

Isisa stared out of the window of the, taxi. When driver dropped her off at her hotel, she paid him and went up to her room. She left a note from Maria and Rebecca saying that they could take all of her things back to the research lab. She also said that she would join them shortly as MD. Isisa then took her duel disk and deck out of the safe, just as she did that, she saw a hand with a cloth come in front of her mouth the next thing she saw was darkness.

End of Flash Back

As Mistress of Dragons looked at the duel that was unfolding before her, she knew that the man who was impersonating her stepfather was not really him.

"Well, I see we have a visitor" sniggered Pegasus looking at Mistress of Dragons

Seto then saw the mysterious women, [Man the way she looks at me with her eyes sends chills down my spine] thought Seto as he refocused on the duel

"I am worried about Pegasus's Toon World card," said Mokuba worryingly

"I am sure your brother can beat him" reassured Mistress Dragons

"Pegasus it is time to give you a taste of your own medicine" shouted Seto as he activated his Clone trap card, duplication the Toon Masked Sorcerer on his own side of the field. Now if you attack, you'll destroy your own monster as well"

"You saved yourself for now Kaiba Boy, but I will get you next time" tensed Pegasus

"All the data from all my duels in are in my memory, and all the strategies I'll use to deal with you" said Seto tapping his head

Frustrated, Pegasus says, "Turn end."

It's Kaiba's turn, and he says it's time to play his favorite card. He sacrifices Spear Dragon and Toon Masked Sorcerer to summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000 ATK).

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