Chapters 93-94 Released Souls / Things Get Better *

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Chapter 93

As the Great Leviathan falls from the sky,

"Looks like the Gods pulled through," said Seto looking at the falling Leviathan

"So, does that mean that everyone that Dartz captured is free," asked Joey

"I think so," said Yugi

As the Leviathan crashes into the ocean, the lights of the souls fly out of it. Valon's, who tells her it is over, awakens Mai's soul,

"Dartz got his butt kicked, so now we're free, thanks to those three," said Valon as they see Kaiba, Yugi, and Joey standing on Atlantis,

"They did it," asked Mai

"Yea those friends of hers are all right," said Valon as the two of them fly away home

The lights of other souls, who call Alister and Rafael's names, tell them to wake up, approach Alister and Rafael.Alister opens his eyes to see his little brother Mikey, while Rafael sees his little brother and sister, Julien and Sonia, and his parents. They tell Rafael and Alister that they've always been right by their sides, and they always will be. Rafael thanks them, and says he'll see them soon. Alister tells Mikey goodbye. Mikey's soul turns into a ball of light, and sinks into Alister's chest. Alister holds his arms to his chest, saying his brother's name. Then Rafael's family also turns to balls of light, and the four of them join with Rafael's soul. He says he knows they will always be with him.

As the aurora fades and the day turns bright, the dark clouds breaking up. Three of the soul-lights fly down from the sky, and headed into the Kaiba Corp helicopter; Mokuba and the others run to see what is happening.

Rafael's soul has returned to his body, and he wakes up, saying that he is back

"Are you alright?" asked Mokuba

With tears in his face Rafael says,

"Of, course I'm free thanks to the three chosen duelists"

Then right beside him, Maria slowly opens her eyes. Mokuba rushes to her side.

"Are you okay Maria" asked Mokuba with great concern

Weakly Maria looks into Mokuba's eyes and then says,

"I feel tried, very tried"

"So, did we beat Dartz, because that would mean explain all those lights in the sky?" said Tea

But before anyone could respond the dark and smoky form of the Great Leviathan flies out of the sea and returns to Atlantis. On Atlantis, Kaiba, Yugi, and Joey watch the waters of the pool grow choppy as the island shakes,

"Now what" asked Joey as the columns holding up the dome begin to crack and fall.

The three turn and run back to the vortex that led them there, as buildings crumble around them. Joey leaps through the vortex, followed by Kaiba.

Yugi was about to go through when the Pharaoh tells him to wait. They can't leave yet.

Dartz stands behind them, tendrils of darkness curling around him like smoke, and the Great Leviathan appears behind him. The Pharaoh summoned Timaeus and orders him to attack. The Knight slashes the Beast with his sword, but it in turn attacks and nearly destroys Timaeus. The Pharaoh tells his Knight to return to his deck. Yugi asks what they will do now, and Yami says they will fight, somehow. But they have tried everything, Yugi says, and nothing seems to work.

"Have you given up yet. All the monsters in the world combined together cannot destroy my Leviathan. This creature isn't one of their little Duel Monsters; it was born from the darkness of the human soul. As long as mankind exists, so does the Great Beast" stated Dartz

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