Chapters 85-86 Fight Till The Death? / Kaiba Finds Out, Maria Begs *

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Chapter 85

High above the ground, in the jet stream, the Stranger looked at the earth below.

"This is a great day to go sky diving," he said to his friend, the sun was now just over the horizon and spilling its radiant light on to the still sleeping world far down below.

The two flew higher into the sky, the black leather jacket keeping the Stranger warm. His brown hair flew in the in, causing him to constantly brush it back.

"Okay KB I will see you at the bottom" he said as he jumped, just as he did that, his friend saw her arch nemesis come out of nowhere.

Blue Eyes saw the other dragon and flew with all her might, with jaws opened wide and eyes flashing with hatred she flew straight at her target. When the two dragons met, both trying to bite each other, they were losing altitude fast. They were heading towards the ground like a rocket coming to earth. The Stranger saw what was going on, but since he was falling towards the ground, he could not chant the Restraining Spell. When his feet touched the ground, he looked up and saw the back of a dragon coming right towards him. He tried to move out of the way but got pushed against a stone cliff. Blood was spattered against the cliff where the Stranger had been, Blue Eyes charged again, biting into the other dragon's wing, but as she was going that, the dragon returned the favor and did the same to her. Both dragons cried out in pain as slivery red blood went everywhere.

Over the snarling and growling, the Stranger shouted


Again, the Stranger tried to chant, but the stones from atop of the cliff fell on top of him, again blood spattered everywhere.

"Come here you bitch" snarled Blue Eyes as she and her nemesis were circling each other on the ground, since both couldn't fly. Blue Eyes attacked again this time, using her claws and scratching the other dragon under the belly. The dragon returned the favor, by biting deep into Blue Eyes' shoulder. Blue Eyes cried out. The Stranger looked up and saw the two dragons fighting, trying not to get hurt he climbed away from the cliff base, but just as he looked up a dragon fell on top of him, and all that was hurt was a loud,


Blue Eyes and her 'friend' were circling each other again, but this time KB attacked and missed Blue Eyes. But as KB went passed Blue Eyes, Blue Eyes bit hard and deep into KB's side. The other dragon cried out in pain as Blue Eyes' once shining white teeth, but now covered with dust and blood bite into her side.

"That is for..." but Blue Eyes was cut off as KB sank her teeth into Blue Eyes' other wing. Blue Eyes wailed in pain, but as she got up KB tried to keep her down, but Blue Eyes was smarter as she kicked with her hind legs in KB stomach. The other dragon flew right into the ground, right on top of the Stranger who was trying to get up.

Again, the Stranger went splat. The two dragons went at it again, but this time Blue Eyes started to really feel the pain that was building inside of her. She was becoming weaker due to that bitch. She snarled as she threw her head back and blast an energy blast at KB. KB flew backwards right into the Stranger. The Stranger looked at the two dragons, and then said,

"I give up...kill each other if you have to but make it snappy" but to his reply, Blue Eyes flew back wards due to the energy blast from KB. Blue Eyes recovered fast enough to throw another energy blast at her opponent, but at the same time, KB did the same. The two were at a standstill, but not for long. Blue Eyes mustered all the energy she could and threw it in KB's direction. The other dragon landed in a sand dune that was forming. The sand went everywhere, causing sand blindness, perfect conditions to hunt in.

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