Chapter 67 The Confrontation *

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In the park, Isisa is sitting on a swing set in the playground. She slowly moved her feet back and forth on the ground, causing the swing set to move. A lonely tear fell from her face, but was caught by a silvery blue claw.

"Why the tears?" asked Blue Eyes as she tried getting into a swing beside Isisa

"You know why, you were in the office with me" said Isisa as she let another tear fall

"Yea, I guess, hey you know what I have made up my mind. I am going to eat that SOB when we get back, then you don't have to give him your answer" exclaimed Blue Eyes trying to cheer Isisa up

"Whatever" mumbled Isisa

Blue Eyes looked at her friend, she hated seeing Isisa like this. She knew that from the past, every girl that she was with always had a similar problem, but Isisa here was different. She was forced into many different situations that she never had an opinion in and she always managed to come out the other side. But Blue Eyes knew this one was different; this was blackmail and blackmail of the worst kind. She had seen it with the Princess and now she was seeing it with Isisa. [Man, it has got to suck when you have to play Shrink to all these girls, but Boy you do get benefits] thought Blue Eyes as she lifted up her front right leg and looked at her shiny claws.

"What are you doing?" asked Isisa softly

"Oh, just thinking how pretty I am, too bad there isn't an male Blue Eyes anywhere, but then again I guess I am glad that there isn't" smile the dragon

"Oh, brother" said Isisa as she shook her head

"So, what are we going to do about that ass hole that I want to eat" asked Blue Eyes

"I don't know" started Isisa

'How about you tell him what you feel about Seto and leave it at that, you are after all business savvy" interrupted Blue Eyes

"Are you sure" said Isisa not sure on what else to say

"Yea, come on girl. Let's go and tell him we don't want anything to do with that contract and then get the hell out of there" stated Blue Eyes as she untangled herself from the swing. Isisa slowly got up and walked back to Kaiba Corp.

In the town square, the gang stands around, tricked again by Noah and as mad as ever.

"That little twerp double crossed us again. I knew we shouldn't have trusted him that kid is toast with melted butter on top" shouted Joey as he stomped the ground

"we have to come up with a plan" protested Yugi

"Oh, we have a plan, we are going to shake Noah upside down until he tells us the way out" shouted Joey

Both Tristan and Duke agree.

Back at the virtual Kaiba Corp, Kaiba takes the elevator to the top floor to the President's office. When he enters the office Seto was surprised to see Isisa there sitting in front of the desk. In front of her was a piece of paper, which looked like a contract. When Seto enters Isisa turns her head, she is also surprised to see Seto in the office.

"Isisa my dear, you can ask Seto now yourself" said Gozaburo smiling

"Seto come in have a seat, it is time you and I had our father-son chat"

"I think I would rather stand" insisted Seto

"Isisa come over here now" ordered Seto

Isisa looked at Seto and then back a Gozaburo, then to the contract in front of her. Seto knew what was going on, she was deciding.

"What did you tell her, you old fool" sneered Seto

"I only told her the truth you kept from the divorce" mentioned his stepfather

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