Chapters 87-88 Paths Cross-And Paths Divert /Never Interfere In A Cat Fight *

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Chapter 87

It was the wind blowing hard against the teepee that woke the Pharaoh up; he looked around and saw Tea beside him. He wondered if all what happened was all a dream, but when he looked at his scratched arms and hands, he knew that it was all real. The Pharaoh looked over to where Tea was beside him, sleeping he then gently shakes her.

"Tea wake up" urged the Pharaoh

"Uh, where are we" said Tea

"Oh, man my head hurts. Please tell me that was all a dream," asked Tea as she placed a hand on her throbbing head

"No, it was real," said the Pharaoh

Just then, a wolf runs in and lands on top of Téa. The pharaoh is alarmed, but the beast is licking Tea's face as if it were a pet. Then a girl comes in calling to the wolf,

"Sky, stop" said the young girl who appeared to be wearing a native garb

"It's alright," laughed the Pharaoh as the wolf whose name was Sky came to give the Pharaoh a good licking

"My name is Chris, and this is Sky, she is the one who found you" introduced Chris

By a nearby river, an old man is picking up the Pharaoh's Duel Monster card, and is surprised when he sees the Timaeus card. He is later joined Chris and the others.

"Thank you for all your help" said Tea

"It was nothing. The names Ironheart" said the old man as he gave the Pharaoh his deck back

"Thank you" said the Pharaoh taking the deck

"How did you get the Legendary Eye of Timaeus?" asked Ironheart

"I am not deserving of its power," said the Pharaoh looking away from the card

"I will hold on to it for now" replied Ironheart knowingly

"Have you found another kid" asked Tea

"Not that I know of" replied Ironheart

"He is wearing glasses and has a bad haircut," replied Tea

"You two were the only ones we found; he might've been able to get off the train before it went off the cliff" suggested Ironheart

"I highly doubt that," said the Pharaoh looking grimly

Back at Kaiba Corp, Mokuba was pacing around. He didn't know what Maria wanted to talk about since she didn't respond to his text, [She just might be out of service I know that happens sometime] he thought as he saw his brother come in

"Are you coming Mokuba?" asked Seto

"What for" asked Mokuba

"To find that asshole Dartz," replied Seto as he grabbed his Duel Disk

"Yea I guess so. I've got nothing better to do" he responded as he followed his brother

About an hour later aboard the Kaiba Corp plane, Mokuba still is waiting for Maria's reply.

"Do you really think it's true that Yugi lost to one of Alister's partners in a duel?" asked Mokuba sitting across from his brother

"It just means that Yugi isn't perfect after all, and his is not worth my time. We've got more important things to deal with," said Seto

Just then, Mokuba noticed the lights out side, and runs to the plane's window, calling out to his brother to come and check it out.

"I don't know what this means and I don't trust it" replied Seto

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