Chapters 49-50 Double Duel Part 4 / A Friend's Life At Stake *

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Recap: The only question is, which one of them should he attack first? With only weak monsters to protect him, he could wipe out the rest of Yugi's life points with one attack. On the other hand, there's that Blue-Eyes. Umbra says it doesn't matter who he attacks, they'll both be destroyed soon!

Lumis is about to attack with Des Guardius. But whom should he attack first? Yugi's down to 1500 life points, and only has weak monsters defending him.

If Lumis attacks him, he'll lose all his life points. On the other hand, if he attacks Kaiba, he'll be able to get rid of Kaiba's powerful Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Lumis chooses Yugi.

"Hey we are supposed to be dueling as a team. Leaving Kaiba's Blue Eyes on the field would be a mistake" says Umbra

Lumis is determined to attack Yugi, but then Kaiba starts to taunt him,

"You are a coward Lumis, afraid of my Blue Eyes"

The Pharaoh realizes Kaiba's trying to save him, goading Lumis into attacking him instead of Yugi. Lumis takes the bait, sending Des Guardius to attack the Blue-Eyes.

Kaiba's dragon is destroyed, but he only loses 300 life points.

Kaiba's pretty upset about losing his Blue-Eyes, [Yugi better not make me regret saving him] thought Kaiba as he tells Yugi to destroy them.

"Forgive me, Blue-Eyes," said Kaiba to himself

The Pharaoh loses another 1000 life points due to the mask cards' effects.

"It does not matter, this duel is almost over anyways" says the Pharaoh as he summons Gamma the Magnet Warrior, then uses the three magnet warriors' special ability to combine them into the mighty Valkyrion the Magnet Warrior, with an attack of 3500.

Kaiba wants Yugi to attack right away in revenge for the destruction of his Blue-Eyes White Dragon. But Yugi suspects Lumis and Umbra have some kind of trick up their sleeves. He wonders if Des Guardius has a special ability that would block his attack.

"Yugi what are you waiting for attack right now or you will be sorry!" shouted Kaiba

Yugi sets a card face down, then tries to get Kaiba to settle down, telling him he has to duel intelligently and trust his deck.

Kaiba looks at his deck, thinking that the only way to win is to summon Obelisk, but they're still prevented from making sacrifices by the Mask of Restrict trap card. Then he notices his Soul Exchange card, and realizes that there is a way to summon Obelisk. But it depends on Yugi being willing to give up his own monster; the way Kaiba gave up his Blue-Eyes. He doesn't like depending on anyone else, but he'll do what he has to in order to save his brother.

Kaiba tells Yugi that they can win. The Pharaoh smiles in agreement, reveals another magic card that prevents Soul of the Dragon from blocking his attacks and then attacks Des Guardius with Valkyrion the Magnet Warrior.

Des Guardius is destroyed, but it does have a special effect for when it's sent to the graveyard. It leaves behind the Mask of Remnant, which takes control of the Pharaoh's Valkyrion.

Umbra congratulates Lumis, who tells him to finish off Yugi so he can then take care of Kaiba. Umbra plays the magic card, Masquerade, which allows him to control Lumis's Valkyrion, and he uses it to attack Yugi. But Yugi activates his facedown card, De-Fusion, which breaks down Valkyrion into the three separate Magnet Warriors, stopping its attack.

Just then, the Pharaoh heard a voice, calling,

"Pharaoh, Pharaoh"

"Who is there?" said Yugi

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