Prologue *

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I do not own yugioh but all OCs are mine © HistoryLover22 or BlueEyesWhiteDragon17


The hot sandy desert blew across the camp. A lone figure stood at the edge of the came looking out on to the sandy dunes. A women's cry broke through the crying wind.

[She is having her child in this harsh place? This isn't a place for woman and her child. Even if is the home of her ancestors] he thought to himself

The wind was whipping his long purplish sliver long hair in his face. The only thing protecting him was the safari hat on his head. His Millennium Eye on the left side of his face seemed to be telling him that his life was about to change, though to him it did not matter. Everything was ruined, he lost his one true love and was now trying to find a way to bring her back to him; but instead he ended up with a pregnant guide in labor. Then again, she had been very helpful she knew many things that even he did not know. She was able to do so much for him that at least when all this is over, he would have to replay her in some generous way.

Another cry sounded though another followed the cold Egyptian night, but this sound but much softer. The cry of a newborn, the sweet sound of new life coming into a harsh world almost brought tears to the man's eyes.

He looked into the night sky the moon had gone behind some clouds but the stars could easily be seen. One especially, this was no ordinarily star it was more a bluish silver and different from the others.

[This could mean something] the man wondered.

"Master Pegasus, may I speak?" said a dark figure behind the man

"Yes Philip, what is it" demanded Pegasus as he turned his head to glance at Philip

"The woman wishes to speak with you. You might want to hurry; she won't last long"

"Alright, I'll be there in a moment" with that Philip left. Pegasus wondered how long this trip was going to take. He wanted to find the items to bring his love back, but something in the back of his mind said that there is going to be another love.

He turned his back to the sandy dunes and started to walk back to the tent where the new baby had been born. He glanced back toward the stars and saw that bluish star. It seemed to say "take care of her" he headed to the tent.

The fire in the tent was all but glowing embers while the cries of a newborn could be heard from the small makeshift crib that lay beside the cot. The room was dark and, on the cot, breathing her last few breaths of life was the new mother. When Pegasus flips the flap of the tent, he did not know that in a few moments everything in his life was going to change forever.

"They told me you wanted to see me you wanted to see me Irena" Pegasus said

" are the only person I can trust... I want you to take my baby...raise her as your own...I told the medic that you were...her father" whispered Irena

Pegasus looked down at Irena, her once bright blue eyes where now dull and lifeless. The diggers had said that they were her best feature next to the long endless legs that she had kept always hidden under men's clothing. Her glossy black hair had also lost its shine it seemed to be nothing more than a black dirty mop. He pitied her in some small way; he rarely pitied anyone nowadays.

"Why me, there are other people who will take the girl to a better home" he said with a harshness

"You...are the only one...who can take care...of the Great White Dragon," she stammered

"You that can't can't be you lying bitch," he shouted at this point the baby girl who was gently crying was not wailing.

"Will you shut that brat up, please I can't think"?

From the Past to the Future Book 1 (Seto Kaiba) (Revision Complete)Where stories live. Discover now