Chapters 89-90 Never Say Never / More Then Just a Murder *

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Chapter 89

As the gang sat in the helicopter, the Pharaoh holds up the device that Rafael had thrown up to him.

"What is this?" asked the Pharaoh to Kaiba who leaned against the wall

Seto looked at the computer like chip. He took the chip from the Pharaoh's hand and plugged it into his PDA. Then a map appears on the screen,

"What kind of map is it and to where is it from" asked Mokuba as he looked at the PDA

'It must be the way to Dartz's lair" said the Pharaoh as he looked at the screen

Seto tossed the PDA to a freaked-out Roland, telling him to follow this map. But then just as Seto sat down, a helicopter showed up, and then another, the pilot of one of the helicopters gestures to them to by pointing ahead.

"I think they want us to follow them," said Mokuba

Just as the they were about to follow the army like helicopters, they see a dark cloud approaching them. As the cloud comes closer and see it pass by, they realized that it is swarm of insects. Tristan recoils as one strike him across the face, but Kaiba calmly reaches out and catches one in his hand. The gang all look at the locust that Seto caught, and they all look in wonder. Meanwhile, Blue Eyes gently touched down, as the two look at the temple in wonder.

"Are you sure that plan will work" asked Maria wondering

"Yes, it should, because otherwise I am going to be in shit when Isisa finds out" said Blue Eyes as she looked at the temple. Then she shuddered, she felt the presence of Obelisk from the inside, she shook her head and then said

"Don't worry, just as long as we get the God cards out of that temple everything should be fine"

"Okay, what is Plan B if that doesn't work" asked Maria still worried

"Plan B, crap I hadn't thought of it, well let's make one now" cursed Blue Eyes

"Great, Isisa is really going to kill us now" said Maria looking up at the intimidating temple.

Inside the temple, Dartz calls for his Orichalcos Soldiers to return to him. Then he stops in mid chant and says,

"Obelisk your time has come, Prepare the alter" ordered Dartz to an Orichalcos Soldier

"My Blue Eyes you are ripe for the picking"

Meanwhile, the four military helicopters were accompanying the Kaiba Corp helicopter, they are flying over the ocean toward an aircraft carrier. After landing on the deck, the gang was met with a uniformed officer. He tells them he tracked them down because they need their help dealing with a worldwide threat. They think their only hope may lie in a card game.

The Pharaoh tells the officer he's right. Someone is using the game of Duel Monsters to wipe out the Earth. The officer says, who better to stop this menace than the Duel Monsters experts? Kaiba says, so he's asking them to do his job? The officer says they have been following Dartz around for months, but he leaves no evidence behind. With no proof, they can't do a thing. Dartz is no ordinary criminal. Without the Pharaoh and Kaiba, they have nowhere else to turn.

Off the bow of the aircraft carrier, lightning flashes around an island shrouded in darkness.

As the carrier approaches the island, the officer tells the gang this is as far as he can go. From here on, they're on their own. He wishes them good luck, and tells them they're doing a great service. Kaiba grumpily insists he's doing this to save his company. The officer says that may be, but if Kaiba can beat Dartz at his own game, he'll be saving a lot more than his company.

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