Chapters 107-108 Labour Pains Maybe Maybe Not / Lovers Confession *

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Chapter 107

As the day went along, the diggers, Seto, Philip, and Pegasus dealt with the uncovering of the tomb. Inside the tomb disguised in an Invisibility spell, the stranger walked around with his dragon curled around his neck. They made sure that they were treating the tomb with great care and respect.

Back at the camp Isisa was getting restless, she hated being told what to do, but she knew that she couldn't really do anything because of her condition. Then after an hour of sitting down on the chair writing, she started to feel pain again.

"Man, I can't believe that this is getting worse," she said to her self as she braced herself for the pain

"What is it?" asked one of the diggers who had come in with a load of treasure

"Oh, I don't know I have been feeling pain and it's becoming more frequent," stated Isisa

"Isisa are you having contractions," asked the digger

Isisa paused for a moment then looked up

"I think so," replied Isisa slowly

"Come with me," said the digger as he helped Isisa to the medical tent

In the medical tent the Medic looked at Isisa,

"I am going to call a chopper okay; it is maybe safer if we get you to a hospital soon" stated the Medic

"Okay" nodded Isisa as another spasm of pain ripped through her body

"Go get her husband, he is helping taking out the sarcophagus" stated the Medic to the digger

The digger ran out of the tent and ran for the tomb. The pain started to come more frequent and stronger. It was so strong at times that Isisa screamed, and when she did, Ishizu came out of her tent running. She stayed with Isisa as the Medic called for the helicopter.

"Don't worry Isisa, everything will be alright" stated Ishizu trying to reassure Isisa

"Don't worry"

Meanwhile the digger ran towards the tomb, but as he ran down in the tomb, he came face to face with the stranger.

"About time I found you" he said

The stranger then realized that the invisible spell was off.

"W-What" was all he could say, but before he could say some more the digger grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the tomb. K.B saw what was going on and started to growl, the stranger used his magic, locked K. B in an antechamber, and followed the digger by force.

When they reached the surface, the stranger was starting to wonder what was happening, but as he neared the camp, he was worried that he would be seen. The digger pushed him into a tent and there the digger saw Isisa. She was crying in pain, as the contractions got closer. He went over to her, Ishizu left the two alone. Isisa's eyes were closed as the pain wrapped her. The stranger sat beside her, and gently picked up her hand.

Meanwhile in the tomb, Philip was having a hell of a time getting that sarcophagus out. The reason being Marik and Odion showed up and said they would help with the dig. Philip knew that eventually they were going to find out that he slept with Ishizu and did more then just sleeping with her. Seto on the other hand was worried about Isisa he wanted to be with her, but he also knew that she needed her space. He started to think about what Philip had said, it was true he had not said those three little words to Isisa, he also knew that she needed to hear those words, but the hard part was to say them to her. He didn't want to appear weak and soft, but he wanted Isisa to know that he cared about her. The questions boggled his mind.

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