Epilogue *

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The gang walked out of the tomb, they stopped by the horses and noticed that they were getting restless.

"There is a storm coming," said Isisa as she held Mosi close to her

"Yes I can tell," shouted Odion over the howling wind

Sand was blowing in many directions; the group got on their horses and was about to ride out of the Valley when Philip piped up.

"There is no point in riding, we have to set up camp before it gets worse" said Philip as he went to the pack horses.

Joey, Philip, Duke, Tristan, Odion, Marik, Seto, Yugi, Grandpa, and Atem all helped set up the tents. Téa, Ishizu, Mokuba, Maria, and Isisa all helped in bringing things inside the tent.

When everything was set up, Phillip and Odion moved the horses and tied them, up in a little make shift shelter. They then joined the group inside the tent.

"Wow I never camped in the middle of a sand storm" said Joey

"Joey it's nothing to be happy about, sand storms are dangerous storms people can die in them if they are not careful" said Phillip as he closed the flap behind Odion.

"Isisa is there any food," asked Phillip

"Yes food and water are in those cooler packs over there" she said as she pointed to a corner.

Ishizu was busy setting up rugs so they would not get sand in their food and water.

Isisa and Seto huddled together with Mosi in the middle. Isisa looked down at her ring and there was something that bothered her, she took off her ring and looked at it.

"Is there something wrong," asked Seto noticing this

"Oh no, just that there is some writing on here. Did you have it engraved?" asked Isisa

"No, what does it say?" asked Seto

Isisa looked under the stones and there on the inside of the band, in ancient hieroglyphics was a saying.

"From the past to the future"

"That suits us don't you think," said Isisa looking up at Seto

"I agree

'Guys we have a problem..." said Phillip

"What is that?" asked Joey

"We are short one sleeping bag," said Phillip

The gang all looked at each other.

"Okay someone is going to have to double" stated Phillip as he looked at the boys

The End!

From the Past to the Future Book 1 (Seto Kaiba) (Revision Complete)Where stories live. Discover now