Chapter 113 To The Beginning and the End *

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 Chapter 113

The night sky loomed overhead as Isisa stood on the deck of the Lotus Flower. Tomorrow everything was going to be decided, she liked Yugi that was for sure, but she also like her brother. Isisa didn't want to lose either of them, but she also wanted to let Yugi have a life.

"Something on your mind" said a voice

Isisa looked over her shoulder to see her brother,

"I was just wondering what tomorrow will bring, I heard your argument with Seto about who you were going to be dueling. I am worried Atem" she said

Atem smiled, then paused

"Wait a just called me Atem," stated Atem

"Yes I know, it's your name is it not" smiled Isisa

"But...but that means you...KNEW" shouted Atem

"So I just forgot that's all' said Isisa looking at the Nile up head

"Oh really that is such an important piece of information to forget...I can't believe it you forget your own brother's name and you don't even tell him. Ra please help me what kind of a sister do I have" stated Atem as he looked up at the sky

"Oh come on," teased Isisa

"What ever, what's worrying you?" stated Atem changing the subject

"I was just wonder what life is going to be like when your' gone that is all"

"Isisa what makes you think that I will be going to leave you," said Atem

"Brother, I can't leave this world now, I have a family and even though Seto is not perfect I still love him the way he is. In my heart I know I love both Setos but one broke my heart all those years ago and one has mended so what do I do then" explained Isisa

"You really do love him don't you" said Atem looking at his older sister

"Yes I do, and I know that there are going to be some bad times, but I also know there is going to be some good times. I will have to live with that, but that is not what I am worried about"

"I know Isisa, I guess we will see what tomorrow brings" replied Atem as she hugged his sister

"Goodnight little brother" said Isisa as she kissed Atem's forehead

Atem went back a bit.

"Isisa you do know that I am still in Yugi's body right" warned her brother

"I know, but he is busy going something else am I right" laughed Isisa

"You are right on that. Goodnight" replied Atem as he walked back to his room.

The next morning was somewhat cool then the morning before, Isisa looked in the distance.

"A storm is coming tonight" stated Blue Eyes beside her

Isisa nodded and looked back at the sleeping Seto, she smiled and gently woke up Seto.

"Good morning darling" she smiled as she woke him up

"Good morning sweetheart" smiled Seto as he kissed her

"It is time," she said quietly

Seto nodded, he watched Isisa take Mosi and leave the room. He knew something was wrong, he also knew that she did not come to bed until early in the morning. As Seto got out of bed, he dressed himself and walked out on to the deck. There he saw that mostly everyone was up. They all sat down for breakfast and ate a light meal. It was by this time Seto noticed that Yugi had not made his appearance yet and he started to wonder, but as the gang finished their meal in silence and then walked down to the dock to wait for Yugi.

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