Chapter 25 Getting Closer *

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The next morning as Yugi woke up and got ready for school he started to notice that Isisa was more distant. He knew that she was dreading on going to school because that meant that she was seeing Kaiba. Both he and the Pharaoh saw the fight they were having, and he did wonder on what Isisa meant when she said that she didn't want to call someone her 'master'. He tried asking the Pharaoh but he just changed the subject and didn't answer the question.

Flash Back

Yugi walked into the backyard and sat down on the swing, and asked the Pharaoh

"What did Isisa say to you that night after the fight between Joey and Kaiba? She must've said something" said Yugi

"Yugi, don't you think that this is a wonderful night" said the Pharaoh trying to change the subject

"Come on, don't go now changing the subject, you know why don't you. Why won't you tell me? I won't say anything" begged Yugi

"I think that that the moon and stars might come out tonight. It sure is clear enough," continued the Pharaoh still ignoring Yugi's pleas

"Okay I take it you aren't going to tell me, wow you sure are trying to be a Big brother after all aren't you?"

"Actually, Isisa is older than me, but yes I am trying to be a big brother" interjected the Pharaoh

"So, the Pharaoh speaks, didn't know that you can talk" said Yugi rolling his eyes

"Yugi," said the Pharaoh as he took a deep breath

"I am not at liberty to discuss Isisa's problem or well the situation that caused her to think like she does. Yes, she is my sister and you are my partner, but she is hurting and this is sometime Kaiba needs to learn. Even though he is a cold-hearted bastard, he needs to learn that in a marriage both husband and wife must be equal not just one holding all the power. Do you understand" explained the Pharaoh

"Yes...I think so," said Yugi as he looked at the ground

"Trust me pal, this is not easy, being a younger brother, whose older sister is already married and well struggling to find her place. In ancient times it was different the men where ALWALSY and I mean always in control, the women were more or less property. But there were the odd women who didn't think they were property; they thought they were really people. They took the role of Pharaoh's some times, but I won't count Cleopatra as one of them," said the Pharaoh

"She was a great ruler and she did care for her people, but she was also in my opinion a psychopath with a husband fetish if you catch my drift" said the Pharaoh looking directly at Yugi

"Okay whatever you say, partner," said the sixteen-year-old

End of Flash Back

Just as Yugi was about to walk down the stairs, he heard talking in the dining room area. Wondering whom it was, he walked down and headed right into the kitchen, where he saw Mrs. Gardner talking to his mom.

"They are a lovely bunch of roses," exclaimed Clara pointing at the 24 roses in the vase across from her

"I know, I can't believe that his heart is melting," replied Mrs. Gardner

"Yes, well I think Isisa sure did a number on him, I mean the last time I saw him, he was bringing her home...bridle style" giggled Mrs. Moto

"Well, its like they say, 'The beauty always melts the beast's heart' and Isisa sure told Seto Kaiba that she isn't giving up on him," said Mrs. Gardner

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