Chapters 77-78 One For The Road / Trouble in Paradise *

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Chapter 77

When the smoke finally cleared the dueling ring, everyone was shocked. For there in the place of Dark Marik, stood the good Marik. Odion smiled, knowing that his master had succeeded.

"There is still one more task that I must complete," said Marik as he threw off the cloak

"We can still defeat the Pharaoh if we work together" convinced Dark Marik, now only one eye

"I am sorry everyone, for everything that I have done" apologized Marik

"We can still...noooo," shouted Dark Marik as the good and true Marik placed his hand on his Duel Disk in forfeit as the shadows fade even more and finally disappear

"I told you, I thought I saw some blue," said Tristan

"Yea whatever" replied Joey

"The Winner of the Battle City Finals is...Yugi Moto," announced Roland

Everyone ran up to Yugi to congratulate him, Isisa grabbed her medical bag and slowly walked behind the cheering crowd.

It wasn't until there was a sounding slap across the dueling field and everyone turned to see, Maria slapping Marik.

"That is for hurting Isisa, 'slap' this is for hurting me and the others 'slap', and this," she said hugging him

"Is for realizing the good in you"

Marik was stunned when Maria had slapped him. He had been apologized to his sister about all the wrong things he had done. To which she replied,

"All that matters, Marik is that you are safe"

Odion nodded in agreement.

After that Maria had slapped him, he then saw Isisa walking towards him and he knew he was going to do some major toe kissing.

"Marik are you alright, the pain and the stress of it must have messed with your health. Are you okay?" she asked

"I-I-I am fine, thanks for asking. Isisa" he said as he saw her turn to leave

"Yes Marik" she answered

"I am really sorry, I mean truly. I know I put you through a lot and I know that it takes a great toll on you especially since you have the dragon" explained Marik

She laughed and then said,

"Marik, I was the one trying to keep Blue Eyes from eating you. She said something about sticking you in gravy and eating you, but I told her that you were too sun burnt for her FINE tastes"


Isisa just laughed,

"Marik, things between you and me are iffy, not bad but iffy. I do though need some help at the ranch if you are looking for something to keep your mind off things though" she said

"You and Odion are welcome, or there are the digs. I am sure Philip can find something for you to do" she said over her shoulder

Marik and Odion looked at each other and then Odion said,

"We will think about your offer"

"Good, and remember, you to Ishizu. The door to the Palace is always open all you have to do is show up" she said as she left to go and see Yugi

Marik walked over to where Yugi and his gang were standing, he says that he has one more task to perform before his Tomb-Keeper's mission is complete. He takes off his shirt to show the Pharaoh the scars carved onto his back, saying this is the secret to the Pharaoh's power. These markings were passed down through his family for five thousand years. Ishizu says that they were taught that when the Pharaoh saved the world from destruction, he wiped his own memory clean. But he knew that someday he would need his memory back, so he entrusted one family with the secret of unlocking his mind and his power. Now that Yugi has the three Egyptian God cards and the Millennium Puzzle, all he needs to do is read the words on Marik's back.

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