Chapters 71-72 Yugi Moto vs. Seto Kaiba Part 1 & 2 *

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Chapter 71

Special Note" This Duel was requested by HopelessRomantic183, I have cut it down a bit but not too much. Hope you enjoy it.

Isisa started at the announcement and looked at the time,

"Shit, I am late for the duel" she said as she looked around for her duffle bag.

"Crap, I left it in the Medical Room" she shouted as she ran for the door

She was running down the hallway until she ran into Mokuba.


"Oww, Isisa where is the fire" said Mokuba rubbing his head

"I forgot my duffel bag and the duel is about to start, sorry" apologized Isisa as she helped Mokuba up and continued to run down the hallway

When she got to the Medical Room, all eyes turned on her as she entered the room.

"" she panted

"Here you go," stated Maria as she handed the duffle bag over,

"I restocked it with BETTER scissors," she said, but Isisa did not hear, for she was out the door as soon as the bag was placed on her shoulders.

"Man, I try to be the best little sister, but does anyone care?" exclaimed Maria with her hands up

"Oh, Maria I do care" comforted Ishizu

"Yea, that is right, but I still say that Uncle Melvin scares me," said Maria as she looked down at the floor

"Well, Maria it is not really him you have to understand that," reasoned Ishizu

"Yea, you have a point there"

"Okay, who in the hell is Uncle Melvin?" asked Tristan

"Yea, I am with Tristan, who is that guy," agreed Duke

'It's dark Marik, who else" explained Maria

"I don't get it why not just call him..."

"His evil side is called Uncle Melvin and that is that, no ifs, ands, or buts" shouted Maria as she crossed her arms and showed her back to them

"Wow, how can Mokuba stand her" whispered Tristan to Duke

"I don't know" he replied

Isisa ran out of the airship and jogged up to the Duel Tower. She saw her brother the Pharaoh in the elevator and ran even faster. The Pharaoh had seen Isisa running towards the door and held the elevator doors so she did not have to wait.

"I see you made it," stated the Pharaoh as Isisa bent down to catch her breath

"Yea...barely" she panted

"You know Filly, that was a brave thing you did, with Joey I mean," said her brother not looking at her

"Yea, that was really brave. Thanks, Isisa you don't know how much Joey means to us," exclaimed Yugi from beside the Pharaoh

"Hey, I was just doing my job, and besides, I did like the reaction some of the guys had when I did mouth to mouth" laughed Isisa

"I mean your guys faces were priceless, but I was too busy to enjoy the moment. And Seto's and Tristan's were the best of all. I wonder how that is going to play out," giggled Isisa

"Yea, I have to admit Kaiba did have a look on him. Did you see him flexing his hands every time she did mouth to mouth" laughed Yugi

"Yea, I did see that. You did good work Filly. Looks like you aren't going in the round pen after all" snickered the Pharaoh

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