Chapters 31-32 Living Together / A Visit from an Old Friend *

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Chapter 31

A few weeks later

Everything had been running smoothly between Isisa and Seto, despite the little pool scene they were both happy with each other. There had been some occasional disputes that would end with a few days of avoidance or just the cold shoulder, but they would always end with either one of them apologizing and making up.

The tension between Yugi (or the Pharaoh as it were) and Seto had spiked. They were constantly picking at each other and it seemed like World War III had started at Domino High. There would be long glaring matches between Seto and Yugi for days at a time and then all of a sudden there was constant bickering about nothing really. No one from the gang to even Mokuba who had heard about the glaring wars from Maria through MSN, who had heard if from her sister who was in some of the same classes as Yugi and Seto. However, the truth was, it was the Pharaoh who been mad as hell, things were made worse since Isisa moved in with Seto.

The morning after the pool scene Isisa was itching to go riding and she headed out early enough to find out that there was a stable. And in those stables where...well... her horses. She made sure that both were well and healthy, but Blue Eyes and Magician Girl were happy to see her. Blue Eyes had almost broken the stable door with her excitement and Dark Magician Girl had almost injured her knees while trying to get out of the jail like stable. Isisa had approached both mares and noticed that they had foaled. She had gone to see Blue Eyes first, and saw that she bore a little colt, she then went to see Dark Magician to her surprise had bore a light-colored chestnut filly. Isisa just shook her head when she saw the little filly. She had said there was no way that that filly was going to have any of Isisa's stallions' blood flowing through her veins.

"You must have gone with that herd again didn't you" she said while looking at Dark Magician

"It's now wonder that they don't look like any of my stallions, oh well, I guess we have another good pack horse...unless you can tell me who the sire is and if he is of any good reputation we just might be able to sell your little girl as a pure Arabian no promises though" she said to DM

Isisa had brought the two mares and their foals out of their stables and had them both on halters. She brought them way out into the field where the other three horses where. She had brought her horses out to eat grass when she noticed two paints, a mare and a gelding, however didn't see the stallion charging towards her.

Isisa had let go of the lead ropes and was sitting on the grass when she heard a thunder sound. There were no thunderclouds in the sky so then she looked around her and saw the black stallion coming towards her. She knew from experience that stallions could be dangerous, so she quickly looked around for cover and bolted to the trees in hopes there was a low branch in which she could pull herself up. The stallion, however managed to out maneuver her and beat her to the forest where it reared and planted one of his hooves on Isisa's ankle. She screamed in pain, and at the sound of her cry, the two mares looked up from where they were grazing. They saw the stallion attacking Isisa and before the stallion could rear again. Dark Magician and Blue Eyes had slammed into him.

Dark Magician started biting his neck and Blue Eyes started biting his rump. Both were trying to get the big black brute (as Blue Eyes likes to call him) away from Isisa.

Isisa saw that her horses where helping by keeping the stallion at bay, rolled away from the action and tried to assess the damage. She cursed when she realized that her ankle had been badly injured and possibly broken. When she turned her head towards the action, she saw that another mare had joined the action of biting the stallion. She made a painful laugh and noticed someone running towards the horses. [What an idiot] she thought as she tried to brace herself against a tree.

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