Chapters 99-100 A Sister From The Past / A Burnt Child Dreads Fire *

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Chapter 99

Note from the Author: I know you are all enjoying the story, but I have noticed that some of you had missed the newest information on Nuri. So if you did please go and re-read the last two chapters, because if you are trying to find out who Nuri is those clues will give you a hint to who Nuri is or not. Thanks to all readers and I hope you enjoy this season

Words in bold are Egyptian

Seto and Isisa looked at each other then back at Nuri.

"I take it you are happy" smiled Nuri

"B-B-But how does that work," replied Isisa looking lost

"Isisa you were going to have twins, but the stress and tension got to much and the one child couldn't handle it. The only reason that one lived was that it was stronger than the one that died. It wasn't your fault since you didn't know, but too much stress is not good, but now that you know you can learn to manage that" explained Nuri

"Well I think you have a right to see what your child looks like right at this moment" replied the Doctor as he opened a file folder that he brought with him. He handed the picture to Seto who just looked at it. He then handed the picture to Isisa and they both looked at it.

"Right now, Isisa you are about six weeks so about a month and a half" replied Nuri as she saw the happy couple look at the picture.

"I can't believe that I never guessed," stated Isisa

"I always thought that I had a bug or something," she said as she looked at the tiny child

She placed a hand over her stomach and Seto then placed his. The two were quiet for a long time,

"I think we'll leave you to your own thoughts" stated the doctor as he held the door for Nuri

When they had left Isisa looked at Seto,

"I never knew" she replied

"I know," he said as he took his hand off her stomach and placed it on her cheek

"What are we going to do?" she asked

"What do you think, either way the divorce is dissolved" stated Seto as he walked back to his laptop.

Isisa swung her legs off the bed and slowly pulled her self-upwards. Seto grabbed his phone and punched in his lawyer's number. As Seto walked out of the room to take his call, Isisa stood up and saw a breakfast tray on the side. She slowly walked over to the tray and sat down in the chair where Seto sat a few moments ago. Isisa pulled the try towards her and started to eat on the 'hospital' meal.

When Seto finished his call, he walked back into the room and saw that Isisa was there eating. He then came over and placed both hands on her shoulders gently. Isisa tilted her head the one way and rested her head against Seto's warm hand. Everything was peaceful for the moment, but then Seto's cell phone rang,

"Hello," stated Seto

"What do you mean you found out who that bastard is" he started to shout, but then he realized that Isisa was beside him and left the room, but before he did he brought a white paper bag with an expensive brand name on the front and gave it to Isisa.

Isisa knowing what the bag contained took it and watched Seto leave the room. A few moments later Seto came back in,

"Isisa I have to go; Roland needs me for an issue" said Seto not wanting to upset Isisa now that he carried his child

"Just go" she said

"Isisa I will send the car to come and get you" replied Seto

"Just go, they need you," said Isisa knowing that Seto was always going to be busy

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