Chapters 75-76 Dueling in Darkness Part 1 & 2 *

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Chapter 75

"It is about time my Pharaoh; I have been waiting for this moment all my life. Soon your infinite power will be mine!" taunted Marik as the dueling platform raised

"I will defeat you Marik, and free you form the darkness," declared the Pharaoh

"Come and Get Me," taunted Marik

"Boy, wouldn't I like to get my claws on him and eat him...but I would douse him in gravy first. You never know what where your foods been, but you forget once you douse it with gravy" murmured Blue Eyes with her eyes closed

Isisa just shook her head.

"What is it?" asked Seto looking at Isisa

"Nothing, just I only hope that the Pharaoh wins," replied Isisa as she looked up at her brother

"Well, as far as I know Yugi isn't an Egyptian Pharaoh. He does not even look like one...besides that class thing we had to do. That was different," stated Seto

"I know Yugi has two God cards, while Marik only has one, but Yugi's will be tougher to summon to the field. Yugi will have to sacrifice three monsters to summon either Slifer or Obelisk, but Marik can summon Ra using only one card, Monster Reborn," stated Joey

"Joey stop being a downer," wailed Maria

When Roland ordered the Pharaoh and Marik to shuffle, each other's deck, Marik tells the Pharaoh to shuffles his well,

"Maybe Ra will end up at the bottom of my deck, you never know," taunted Marik Yugi

As the two give each other's decks back and slot them into their Duel Disks.

"You will regret this duel Pharaoh, for I plan to make it your last," threaten Marik

"Duelists you can now commence dueling," declared Roland

"Let the fun begin," laughed Marik

Isisa held her breath. Beside her, Seto heard the sharp intake of breath and looked at Isisa,

"Are you okay?" asked Seto

"Yea, I am fine," she said not looking at him

'Isisa, I can tell that there is something brothering, tell me what is it" he asked

Just then, darkness engulfed the Duel Tower, and everyone watching realizes that it is another Shadow Game.

"Pharaoh, as you see we are dueling a Shadow Game, but this one will be different. I have thrown in a few twists just for you" laughed Marik

"Now it is time for surprise number one" he said as an hourglass imprisoning Mai floats overhead. She is nearly buried in sand.

"Once this duel is over, she will be gone" laughed Marik

"I won't let this madness continue," insisted the Pharaoh

"But she isn't he only one in danger, Pharaoh" taunted Marik as Yugi appears floating above, next to the Pharaoh with his wrists and ankles bound by rings of darkness

"If you lose the duel, little Yugi will go to the Shadow Realm" teased Marik

"LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS" shouted the Pharaoh

"But my weaker half is also involved as well" added Marik as Normal Marik appears, bound in darkness next to Dark Marik

"If I lose, he goes to the Shadows will take him"

"Man, I think I will get rid of, Take Over the World kind of guys. They don't sound to good," stated Blue Eyes

Isisa nodded in agreement.

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