Chapters 26-28 The Play Part 1,2,3 *

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Note from the Author: The Play will be in a Shakespeare format, so if you do not know what Shakespeare format is then read any "Play" from William Shakespeare okay. There are some Poetry terms used so if you don't remember them, I will point them out for you to find out their meaning if you don't know them.

When Isisa arrived at home, Yugi or the Pharaoh was more distant from her, but Yugi was happy that Isisa and Seto were getting along. The Pharaoh wouldn't answer Isisa's question when she asked why he had a problem with her dating Seto. When the Pharaoh would not answer for the fifteenth time, Isisa gave up and went to bed.

When Friday morning came, Isisa was not at the breakfast table. Yugi at first didn't understand why, but then remembered that it was Friday and it was also the day of the play. The Domino Jr. Secondary Elementary school was coming to watch the reenactment. Yugi could hardly wait until school started, he had told the Pharaoh that he needed to be on his best behavior and act like a real Pharaoh not like some ass hole jock that just wanted the lead role. The Pharaoh mumbled something of an agreement, but it was hard to say what it was.

"Are you still annoyed from last night?" asked Yugi as he gathered his things quickly

"What do you think, your sister goes out WITHOUT telling you and not to mention with NO CHAPPERON. With your rival...what do you THINK I AM NOT ANNOYED I AM FURIOUS?" screamed the Pharaoh

"Ummm, Pharaoh"

"WHAT!" roared the Pharaoh

"I think you are acting more like a parent then a brother" suggested Yugi as he was walking down the stairs with the Pharaoh following behind.

"Never mind" said the Pharaoh as he disappeared into the Puzzle

When Yugi got to school, him and the gang were asked to report to the gym. They walked down to the gym and when they got there, they could not believe what they were seeing. The props that they were going to use had arrived and were already set up. There were different levels on the main stage, and the gym curtain was being used as the main curtain. It was decorated with little pyramids, sphinxes, and other Egyptian symbols. Everyone gathered around and when Lord of D had handed out all of his instructions everyone left to go and change for the performance.

As everyone was getting ready, the teachers, parents, and students of the High School and some younger students from other schools got ready to watch the performance. Lord of D came out dressed in his outfit and announced to the audience.

"The Re-enactment of "A Daily Life in The Palace Of The Sun" will now begin. If you look at your pamphlets, you will see who is playing which part. Now I hope you enjoy this performance and I ask you to all sit back and relax.

The lights dimmed and stage lights came on.

Play Start

Names of the Actors/Actress

Royal Household

Pharaoh Seti I younger brother to princess Kakra Yugi Moto

Princess Kakra older sister to pharaohBlue Eyes White Dragon (Egyptologist)

Royal Adviser – Lord of Dragons (Egyptologist)

Head Royal Bodyguard 1 Head bodyguard to pharaoh's personal bodyguards, has his eyes on princessSeto Kaiba

Royal Bodyguard 2 - Joey Wheeler

Royal Bodyguard 3 – Bakura Ryo

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