When he asks you out - Lloyd

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I've had this planned out ever since I started the when he asks you out scenarios. Like, the idea just popped into my head. And I was all like, THIS IS PERFECT!!!!!!!! Anyway, on with it. 

You and Lloyd were planning something huge. Like, the great devourer huge.
You planned to prank the ninja. You and Lloyd go over the pranking check list.
"Elves?" You ask.
"Check" Lloyd says, looking in the box of supplies.
"Red paint?"
"Mint toothpaste?"
"Dora the explorer video games?"
"Super glue?"
"Of course"
"Last but not least, the cameras." Lloyd grinned evily, and you melted. Even being evil, Lloyd was adorable.
"How could I ever forget?" He asked rhetorically. You smile at him, and he seems to blush. Probably not. You just hoped he was.
"Okay, so I got Cole and Kai, you got Zane and Jay, okay?" You say, and he nods.
"Its go time." You say.

You split up, and you decide to do Kai first. You sneak into his room when he leaves for training. You have at least five little stuffed elves. Red paint. Time to get creative.
You put an elf on his bed, one on his dresser, one on his bookshelf, one on his desk, and then tape one outside his door. Using the red paint, you paint the words, we're coming for you Kai, on his wall. You couldn't wait to get a reaction.
Time for Coles tournent- prank. You meant prank.
You bought a dozen cupcakes, and some tooth paste. Taking the tooth paste, you pressed the opening into the bottom of the cup cakes, filling each of them with tooth paste. You left them on a plate in plain sight. You hide the evidence and go back you your rendezvous point, Lloyd's tree house. You wondered how Lloyd was doing.....

Lloyd POV

I easily replaced all of Jay's video games with the Dora ones. Then, covered all of Zane's cooking utensils in super glue. MWHAHAHAH!!!!!
Time to meet y/n back at the tree house.

Your POV

"Its done y/n!" You hear Lloyd yell, and you saw him wriggle up the ladder. He pulled it up so if they come after you, they can't get up. You high five him.
"YES! Did you put the cameras up?" You ask eagerly. That's how you were going to watch them. Lloyd pulled out a green tablet.
"See for yourself." He says, and you both sit down. You move closer to him, and you hear his breathing hitch.
"What?" You ask.
"Nothing" he said quickly "just excited. Wait, be quiet. Kai's back!" You giggle. This outta be good. When Kai saw that elf taped to his door, he screamed like a little girl.
"Nya!" He screamed. Nya came running, worried. When she saw the doll, she sighed.
"Its just a doll Kai." She said, ripping it off the door. She walked away as Kai composed himself.
Then he went into his room.
"FUCKING HELL!! NYA!! THEY'RE COMING FOR ME!!!" He screamed, and ran down the hall. You and Lloyd laughed, and fist bumped.
Coles turn.
Lloyd changed cameras, and you saw Cole grab a cupcake. He bit into it, spitting out tooth paste and chocolate....and salt? You look at Lloyd. He shrugged.
"I thought we would get a better reaction out of him?" And boy you did. Cole was screaming curse words you didn't even know existed.
Another camera switch showed Jay bawling over his lost video games, going into rage quit mode, and smashing all of the Dora replacements. Then there was Zane, who was wandering around with a wooden spoon stuck to his hand. And a mixing bowl on his ass. How did that happen?
You and Lloyd were laughing so hard, you thought your lungs were going to burst.
That's when you heard the angry mob outside.
"Lloyd, I swear to god I'm gonna wring you fucking neck, you little ass hat!" Jay screamed.
"Y/n, was this really appropriate?" Zane asks.
"Which. One. Of you. Put. Salt and toothpaste. INTO THE CUPCAKES!?"
You and Lloyd keep laughing, and then you hear them walk away, cursing loudly. Lloyd wasn't laughing anymore, but staring at you while you laughed. You wipe tears out of your eyes, and catch him staring.
"W-what Lloyd? Do I have chocolate on my face?" You ask. He shakes his head. Then takes a deep breath.
"What? Lloyd, slow down. I can't understand what your saying." Lloyd took another breath.
"Y/n, I really like you. You're smart, and fun, and you just get me. I wanna....take you out....on a date." He says hesitantly. Your crush just asked you out. Oh. My. GARMY!
"YES, I would love to go out with you!" You say, hugging him, and kissing his cheek a million times.
"S-staph it!" He said, red faced. You heard the sound of knuckles cracking. You both turned and saw four very pissed ninja.
Jay pointed to you "dead." Then to Lloyd "dead"
"How did you get up here?!" You scream.
"We are ninja y/n. We can climb tree's." Zane said, bowl and spoon still stuck on him. You exchange looks with Lloyd. Then Lloyd scooped you up, and jumped out the door way, hopping from tree to tree.
"LLOYD, Y/N, YOU ARE SO DONE FOR" Cole screams.
"Any chance you can summon the ultra Dragon?" You ask Lloyd.

FINISHED!!! Yay!!! Now, let's look at this beautiful picture of Kai.

FINISHED!!! Yay!!! Now, let's look at this beautiful picture of Kai

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Swoon. Jk. Not really. But yeah, I'm pretty much partying right now. I'm done!!!!!!!! Shea boi!!!!!! Next, is your date. And yes, I will feature date outfits. Cause I can. But I need help.
Which one for Lloyd?

Which one for Lloyd?

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I CANT CHOOSE!! I know Lloyd is last, but I want to get it out if the way

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I CANT CHOOSE!! I know Lloyd is last, but I want to get it out if the way. Which one. If not either, then suggest one. Please vote down in comments!!! Well, later golden hearts.
- HeartOfGold12

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