The end - Cole

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Years later

You straightened up, stretching to relieve your sore muscles. You didn't noticed while shoving everything into your car (probably because Cole did a majority of it), but you packed some damn heavy boxes.

Boxes which you were sure were mostly full of crap you didn't need, but threw in there anyway. You weren't the most efficient packer.

You swept your hair out of your face, extremely tired from the long drive and the multiple trips from your car to your dorm. You looked over on the other side of your room, and frowned at the empty bed and white wall that mirrored your own. When was your roommate going to show up?

Sighing, you sat on your bed, phone in hand.

Should I call?

Would it be too soon? It's been three days...

This is ridiculous. He's my boyfriend, I can call him whenever I want!

And just as you were about to hit the call button, your phone started to vibrate and blare your ringtone.

Which of course scared the ever loving shit out of you.

And not only did it scare the ever loving shit out of you, it also made you drop your phone.

Cursing loudly, now glad that your roommate wasn't there, you picked up your phone, wincing at the spiderweb of cracks running along your screen.

You were so distracted by your shattered screen, you almost missed the name that was displayed on your screen. But when you did, you swore you never answered a phone faster in your entire life.


"Y/n, hey!"

"Cole, you scared the crap out of me."

You heard him laugh, a sound that was way better than the hustle and bustle students were making outside your dorm, trying to settle in to their own.

"How did I do that?"

"I was just about to call you, and then you called me, and I shattered my phone...." You added that last part quietly, but of course Cole heard it.

"Your classes haven't even started yet and you shattered your phone?" You could almost see the amusement on his face. His voice certainly wasn't hiding it.

"Well.... yeah...."

Another laugh was a heard, followed by a sigh. "God, I miss you."

You smiled for the first time since you arrived. "Dido."

"So how are you fitting in so far?"

"Well, like you said, my classes haven't started yet, so nothing to report there. And my roommate hasn't showed up yet, either."

You didn't know how, but you could see Cole nodding along to what you were saying. "I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe she's just late, or from somewhere farther."

"Yeah, probably..... oh! I almost forgot. I met my dance team today."

"Yeah? And how did that go?"

"Well, I didn't trip or step on anyone's toes if that's what you were asking."

"Pretty much, yeah."

You protested in mock offence, and told Cole that when he came to visit you would lock him out.

"I'd just break the door down." He said smugly. "Super strength, remember?"

You frowned. "That wouldn't go well with my headmaster, boulder brains. Do you want to get me expelled?"

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