The end - Lloyd

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*takes place after Lloyd's father sacrifices himself*

*also spoiler for Order Of The Phoenix (Harry Potter)*

You should have been expecting this, really. It was probably one of the most obvious things Lloyd would do.

You sighed and gave your roommate an apologetic look. "Maybe it's a welcome gift?"

"Thousands of packing peanuts? Three months after we moved in?" she asked, clearly unimpressed.

Lloyd, the blond little shit, had filled up your cupboards with styrofoam packing peanuts. Your roommate, Lily, had only wanted some fruit snacks. Instead, she got a practical joke from your boyfriend.

It was beyond your knowledge on how Lloyd kept getting into your dorm, what with all the security, unseen. But you suppose that it was simply because he was a ninja. It's his job to be unseen.

Still, you were mad at him for doing it in the first place. Like when he wrapped your dresser in duct tape early in the week. You were late to a class because of it. But when you called him to chew him out for it, he denied (snickering as he did so) being in or near your dorm at all.

"You can't keep doing this, Lloyd," you said. "I don't have my own room anymore. It's not just me you're pranking."

He had said nothing for a while, then muttered a quiet "okay" before hanging up.

Now it looked like he was back at it again after two weeks of peace. You sighed, heading towards the closet for the vacuum.

You already knew there would be more packing peanuts in the closet before you opened it.

"Are you serious!?" you yelled, tugging on your shoes harder. This did nothing, though, seeing as how they were glued to the floor.

"No, he's dead!" your roommate called from the kitchen. She was kind enough to make breakfast for the two of you before you went shopping for things for your dorm.

"Not helping!" you called back, dropping the laces in defeat.

Lily poked her head in your doorway, frowning. "If Lloyd is such a problem, why don't you ask him to stop?"

You sighed. You have told him, but he hasn't stopped, and hasn't showed any sign of wanting to.

"I swear" Lily said narrowing her green eyes, "if he pops up from one of the discount bins at Target, I'm kicking him."

You smiled, amused. "How do you plan to do that? He's a ninja."

She huffed. "I took a week long self defense class. And I'm always armed with pepper spray."

"I'm shaking in my imaginary boots." You said. Lily had the hand-eye coordination of an asparagus, and if she was going to kick anything, it would probably end in her falling on her ass.

"Well, you can't even shake in your actual shoes! You really need to sit down and talk to Lloyd. This is getting ridiculous." She then turned around and went back to the kitchen, presumably to finish making breakfast.

You sighed, and leaned back. You knew it would be next to impossible to have a serious conversation with Lloyd, but it had to happen.

Besides, maybe it won't be that bad. Maybe he'll just listen to what you had to say.

It was obvious he wasn't going to listen as soon as he stepped through the door. He kissed you hello, then proceeded to talk, completely avoiding the topic of his pranking.

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