You embarrass him - Lloyd

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The bambi eyes. That's what started this.
Your heartbreakingly adorable bambi eyes.
These eyes had been a leading factor as to why he let you fight him in the first place. Though, it was probably a bad idea. He had years of fighting experience, while you didn't. So agreeing to let you spar with him was extremely stupid.
Again, those bambi eyes are to blame. That, and his weak will.
He went easy on you. Like, it was making him sweat how easy he was going on you.
But then you judo flipped him out of nowhere.
Lloyd groaned in pain, looking up at you from on the ground. You looked triumphant and sympathetic at the same time, like you were proud you managed to flip him, but sorry that you hurt him.
He heard Jay and Kai snickering in the background, trying not to laugh.
They weren't doing a very good job at it.
And although he was a little impressed, he had to admit that it was embarrassing to be flipped like a pancake by your girlfriend.
He sat up, wincing in pain. Yup, that was definitely going to bruise.
"I've been taking some self-defense classes," you said, holding out a hand to him. "I guess they work."
He didn't accept your hand, he just sat there.
"Are you embarrassed, Lloyd?" You teased, watching the tips of his ears turn red.
"No!" He protested, hearing Kai and Jay's less contained laughter grow.
"Awww. You look like an angry kitten."
"I do not!"
Jay and Kai were still barking with laughter three days later.

I swear, I did update yesterday. But I didn't like how I wrote it, so I deleted it and tried again today since it was so late anyways.

But today is happy day, you know why?


I'm just ready to be a couch potato and watch Glee all day (I just got into it a few weeks ago). That's how I spend most if my weekends anyways. But it's always great.


~ HeartOfGold12

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