You get a pet - Cole

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"Why is your cat attacking me?" Cole complained, watching as the small kitten scratched at his shoes, claws catching on the fabric.
"She's not doing any harm." You said, picking up the cat. "You need new shoes anyways. There's holes in them anyway."
Cole looked down at his worn down shoes, and silently agreed.
He was just too lazy to get another pair.
Cole gave the cat a sideways looked, frowning.
It wasn't that he didn't like cats.
It was that cats didn't like him.
He didn't know if it was just a coincidence, or if that cat he threw a crab apple at when he was little put a curse on him, but all cats hated him.
It was only a matter of time before that little kitten became a fat monster intent on clawing his shins to shreds.
The cat meowed at him, like she was confirming his thoughts, and started to lick her little paw.
You smiled at your pet, and set her down. "Watch her for me please. I'm going to go get her some food."
Cole was about to protest, but you already walked off, leaving him and the ball of fluff.
The cat looked up at him, almost as if it were regarding him. Then, to his surprise, she started rubbing against his legs, purring.
He hesitantly crouched down to pet her, and was surprised when she let him.
Huh, he thought, maybe I just had some bad luck with cats. Maybe they're not all that bad-
That's when he felt the claws sink into his hand.

I am pretty sure I failed my math test.


I feel like it's not actually that hard, I just over think things. Like I usually do.


~ HeartOfGold12

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