He gets hurt - Jay

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Elephant toothpaste video above, for those who don't know what it is.

Jay hissed in pain as your fingers accidentally brushed the burn marks on his arm.
"Did you not know you're supposed to wear protective gear while making elephant toothpaste?" You asked, placing an ice pack on his arm. "Or are you just stupid?"
"A little bit of both." Jay admitted sheepishly, which made you roll your eyes.
"What! The directions are always boring anyways. I rather just skip to the fun part.
"The part where the hydrogen peroxide burns your skin?"
"....that wasn't supposed to happen. But in my defense, I'm no scientist. And any non-scientist would make the same mistake."
That earned another eye roll from you. "Except for the smart non-scientists who actually read the website article carefully, including the warnings."
Jay opened his mouth to protest, thought twice, then closed it. Seems like you won that argument.
You looked at his burn again. "It doesn't look that serious. Maybe you won't need to go to a doctor after all."
"Of course not. I'm as tough as they get."
"Oh yeah." You said sarcastically,  smiling as you poked his side, him whining a complaint. "The toughest."


~ HeartOfGold12

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