Heatwave - Kai

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Immmmmmmn baaaaaaackkkk

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"This is literally the biggest cliche I have ever witnessed in my life." You said to your boyfriend as he eyed the water. The guy was looking at it like him and water were long time rivals. "Your element is fire so you can't swim."
"That's not the reason I can't swim!" He protested, shrieking and jumping back before the in coming tide could touch his feet.
You looked up at him in amusement.
"I know you're not a big fan of water-"
"Understatement of the year."
"But can't you at least try to conquer it?"
"There could be sharks, though." This argument was pretty damn because you were at a lake not an ocean.
You wiped sweat from your forehead, and frowned. "Come on Kai. We're in the middle of a heat wave here." Ever since summer started, it's been blazing hot everyday. It wasn't supposed to cool off till next week. You thought a trip to the lake would be a nice way to cool off, but Kai would probably get swallowed by the Great Devourer than get in a body of water.
"I rather inhale lava." He said. "And I've been in a real volcano before, so that means a lot coming from me."
"Come on!" You pulled on his arm, but the sand beneath you have to purchase, so instead of dragging him you were kicking up sand. "I'm gonna die of heat exhaustion!"
"You'll die of drowning if you go in there!"
"Unlike you I know how to swim!"
"Well aren't you a peach?"
You gave him a look, a look that he knew all too well.
And wouldn't you know it, you literally knocked him off his feet and were now dragging him by his foot.
Of course he was screaming bloody murder, swallowing enough sand to make a whale aquarium along the way. But you did get him into the water.
For five seconds before he got out still screaming about something touching him.
It was a stick.

So if you didn't see the message I posted on my message board, I said I was taking all of last week off. Mainly to spend extra time studying for my exams. My last day was Wednesday, and since it was already so late in the week, I just took the rest off.

But now I'm back to business.


(Also off topic but I thought I finished fairy tail.... But there's still the 102 episodes from 2014 left....)

I'm so excited because now school won't be an obstacle in my updates, and I could probably update sooner than normal too instead of around eleven thirty....

But if you're not off yet, hang in there. YOU'LL BE FREE SOON, I PROMISE.


~ HeartOfGold12

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