He gets chased by fangirls - Lloyd

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"Why can't I be normal." Lloyd whined, shoveling more ice cream into his mouth. "Can't a guy walk around a beach shirtless and not be mobbed?"
You threw your last ice cream scoop at the horde of fangirls on the other side of the counter. "Well, I guess not." You snapped at the green ninja, who, by the way, was not helping to keep his fans away.
He just moped on the floor, occasionally sticking a spoon of ice cream in his mouth.
"Give us Lloyd!" One girl protested, causing an uproar to go threw the crowd.
"And a discount on ice cream!" Said a random guy in the front, causing confused looks to be shared.
Gritting your teeth, you grabbed Lloyds ice cream pint- him complaining- and threw it into the crowd.
"Not my cookie dough!!!!" Your boyfriend cried.
Out of ammo, you also sat behind the counter, listening to the riot happening on the other side.
"Why do I even still have this job! I thought that running off with you during the heat wave last week would get me fired!"
"Well, this place is run by your uncle. And you decided not to quit because if you did you would be broke."
Well.... He wasn't wrong.
"Look y/n.... before these people realize there's nothing stopping them from jumping the counter and dragging me off, I just want you to know that I love you."
You wiped a tear away. "And before I face my impending doom brought by the wrath of a hundred fangirls, just remember.....I'm coming back to haunt you in the after life."
Lloyd smiled. "I'm counting on it."
But what Lloyd wasn't counting on was your uncle coming by five minutes later and scaring all the girls away.
And also chasing him half way across town for having the decency to walk around shirtless in front of his precious, innocent niece.

I don't think I was ever innocent. Even as a kid.

I locked my older sister in a closet once, when I was like five or six. She was stuck in there for hours.

I really was an evil little brat, now that I think about it. I guess I've grown out of it.

Or did I.....

MWHAHAHAHAHAH *sputters And chokes on spit*


~ HeartofGold12

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