He gets chased by fangirls - Cole

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It was a horrible mistake to let Cole barricade himself in your house.
Cole had been apparently walking around town, until a mob of his fans appeared out of nowhere. So he ran here, where you were currently leaning against the front door, trying to keep them out. The door was already splintering from the fists pounding on it.
Damn, we're these girls on steroids or something?
Cole, meanwhile, was frantically putting things in front of the windows, since the people outside decided it was smart to throw bricks through them.
Where were they even getting bricks?!
You watched as Cole pushed someone's arm out a hole in one if the windows, then started placing pieces of wood over it.
Wait... Where did he get the wood from?
Was there some sort of pocket dimension that people could pull stuff out of you didn't know about?
"I feel like we're in the middle of an apocalypse or something." You were sweating. It took up a lot of strength to keep fangirls from busting the door down.
"We kinda are." He yelped in pain as a hand grabbed his hair through yet another hole in the glass.
You thought about moving from in front of the door. But then you would die two ways. One, being trampled by thousands of people. Two, by being resurrected by your mom and being killed again for letting strangers in the house.
"Okay Cole. Here's the plan. We got out the back door, jump the fence, then skip town until the mob disbands.
"Sound like a plan to me." Cole nodded, pulling his hair free.
You barely made it down the street before the wave of people caught up.

Out the back door.....




~ HeartOfGold12

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