Minho (SHINee) Part 2

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Today's the day, the very second to last basketball game! I want to go out and support Minho today because I can't go to the last one. The last basketball game is also against my school so it's a bit sad that I can't go. I have a ballet performance on that day and we have to be there early to rehearse. The weekend before today, my best friend and I had a deep conversation about Minho and other stuff. It got me thinking so much, and made me feel as if my brain was going to explode. That's also another reason why I wanted to go to this game, to try and see if I was correct or not.

My friend, Kwang Soo gave me a ride to the school because it was really far and my mom's car broke down the day before. So he picked me up and we went to the store so I can buy Minho his favorite smoothie. Minho did the same to me when the girls volleyball season was here so I wanted to do the same back.

When I arrived to the school, I walked towards the gate to get in and pay.
The teenager selling the tickets said to me, "The person you brought that for is going to be so happy." I laughed and replied back, "I hope so."
Not knowing where to go, I look for Minho while going up to sit in the bleachers. After awhile, I found Minho and his team huddled up together for a group talk at the bleachers on the opposite side. Then I realized that I was sitting on the opposing team's side and laughed. Oops.

I waited for the team to finish their talk before I went to the other side. Minho was now walking with a team mate of his. I crossed the court, and when I got to Minho, I tapped him on his right shoulder. He turns around and I said, "Hi~!" I saw that there wasn't even a hint of surprise on his face but I just ignored it and kept smiling.
"Wow what are you doing here?" He said with a smile.
"I'm here to support because I can't come to your last game." I smiled.
"Stalker... I don't like stalkers."
He spoke jokingly but it just seemed different than how he usually spoke to me. But I just shrugged it off, laughed, and said, "I'm not~! Anyways, here's your smoothie."
"No it's okay, I don't want it."
"What? But it's your favorite."
"I'm gonna get in trouble with my coach."
"That's what I said when you brought me one too!"
After a long while, he finally took the drink. But why do I feel so crappy...?

Minho and I sat on the bleachers to watch his underclass men team play. We talked but the conversation sounded dead. Felt as if he didn't want to talk, as if he was obliged to sit with me just because I came.

After awhile, it was his team's turn to get ready to play so he had to leave. I ended up sitting on the bleachers all by myself. But it's okay, I already knew this was going to happen and still decided to come. After he and his team finished getting ready, he didn't even bother coming back to sit next to me or to even say anything. But I guess I understand, this is sports after all.

When Minho and his team were finally playing, I couldn't help but feel excited to watch them play. I'm not a very loud person so I didn't bother shouting. I just clapped and occasionally let out a "woohoo!" every time his team did something cool or made a point.

It was getting late but the score right now was a tie so I didn't want to leave! My mom wanted me to go home early because it was a school night but I have to stay longer so I texted her to let her know.

Minho was running across the court to try and score a point. He got to the net, jumped and dunked the ball right at the last second making his team get the winning point!! The crowd went crazy and I shot straight up and cheered! But I couldn't stay any longer so I waited for him to get back to the bleachers to go to him. It was too loud for me to say much so I just smiled and said, "I have to go but good job!" He just nodded his head, and we gave each other a one-armed hug before I left.

On the way home in Kwang Soo's car, the crappy feeling was still there. It just got bigger. When I got home, I went on my phone to see how the game was afterwards and saw a picture of Minho with another girl. Minho posted it with the caption: My number one supporter! He was carrying her bridal style and she was holding a poster that said "#9 Is On Fire"
The crappy feeling came back 10x harder so I tossed my phone to the side and threw myself on my bed.

My friend must've seen the photo too because she texted me right away saying: Don't worry! They aren't dating! But you probably already knew that... Well they used to talk long time ago but they stopped. But...he might ask her to go to the dance... Not because he wants to! But because his friends kept on telling her that he was going to so he has no choice but to ask her now. Her hopes are probably really high too. Over the weekend, I know you said you finally figured out how you felt towards him but...what now?

"Ha...what now?" I mindlessly sat in bed looking at my phone with the picture on it. I know now why you changed your tone and everything towards me. Because you were talking to her, maybe trying to forget me. You thought I didn't like you... Well, you thought wrong... You just lost me...

Okay I admit this one was a bit lame, but I had writers block for this one shot XD
So please forgive me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Song: Primary, Ohhyuk - Island

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